The Aura

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Now that her dad was officially back from work and it was the summer holidays, things started getting a little crowded at the Blake household. Not that either of them cared. Alexia loved having her weird if not slightly annoying friends over and her dad equally enjoyed watching the girls having a good time. They usually came round Alexia's house until the night before her birthday and had a sleepover, where their parents almost had to drag them out of the house to go home. 

This year however, it wasn't the same. The atmosphere wasn't excited and happy it usually was... its was anxious and on edge, as if something was meant to be happening, something soon. When the girls came round, both Amelia and her dad shared the same grave look when they thought she wasn't looking. Alexia decided to wait until Amelia and Layla had left until before she started to interrogate her dad.

She peeped from her bedroom door. Her dad was washing the dishes at the cramped sink in their kitchen. He was frowning to himself, his worn face lost in thought. Alexia silently slipped out from her room and creped across the living room, right behind her dad.

"Daydreaming about Ms Rowlingson next door are we now dad?" She teased with a grin, her back leaning against the counter and her legs crossed in front of her.

Her dad yelped so loud that he had a mini spasm and he dropped the plate that he was holding. It smashed into the floor into tiny sharp pieces. inches away from Alexia's feet.

"Jesus Alex" her dad breathed, gulping for air. He took a few moments to gather himself together. "Never sneak up on me like that! I could have dropped the plate on you and no, I was not thinking about Mr Rowlingson" he said he bent down to pick up the smashed pieces of plate.

"Ahhhh I see, your into the other type. Gotcha" Alexia replied with a wink.- "I always assumed so anyway by the way you were checking out my science teacher in the year seven parents evening"

"What? no I meant to say Ms no Mr. And what do you mean you always assumed so. I was not checking Mr Richards out" he protested, looking slightly flustered at the accusation.

"Yeah yeah and I wasn't always a childhood genius" she retorted, rolling her eyes at her dad. "Anyway I didn't come to have a nice chit-chat about your undecided sexuality" 

"But it isn't unde-"

" I've noticed some strange things going on recently between you and Amelia and I want to know what's going on" she said, completely ignoring her dads sounds of protests.

"I've seen you two looking like the world's about to end any second. Its like you two knew each other before me and its really creepy. I swear i'veeven seen her sneak in the house a few times." She said, remembering the dash of pink across the hallway one day.

"I don't know what you're talking about Alex." He replied . Alexia knew he was obviously lying because he looked nervous and was trying to scrub a plate with a rubber duck.

"Just tell me what you two talk about." she pleaded. "I won't tell anyone I promise" she put her hand on her heart as a gesture.ion

" You're honestly talking rubbish Alex" he laughed nervously. A trickle of sweat rolled down his neck.

" Is it my birthday? Are getting me a special present?" she asked hopefully. As soon as she mentioned Birthday her dad tensed, as if he dreaded even thinking of that day. Alexia picked up on it.

"What? What is it? Is something wrong did something bad happen?" She asked panicking slightly at her dads reaction to something usually looked forward to by both of them.

"Alex nothing is wrong, stop worrying. Why don't you go to your room and read a book or something ok?" He said, scrubbing the dishes a little faster and harder than before.

"But wha-"

"I said NOW Alexia!" he shouted, not looking directly at her. He took a deep breath."Now, Alex just-please?" he pleaded to her. He had pain and fright in his eyes which was why Alexia rushed to her room. Her dad had never shouted at her. Ever. Not once. And he was always happy. She had never seen him in emotional pain, and when she did, it pained her too. She decided not to leave her room for the rest of the day in fear of seeing her dad like that again.

The first sign started around midnight, when Alexia was deep in sleep. Her long, curly hair was sprawled all over her pillow, and her face was calm and relaxed. She had a slight grin playing at her mouth. Probably dreaming about what crazy new device to invent. She looked so young and innocent that Amelia almost didn't want to find out if she really was the chosen one. Cautiously opening the door to the room to make sure it didn't squeak, she entered Alexia bedroom.

It was a small square room with only a bed, minuscule desk and few sets of drawers in the corner for furniture. They rest of the space was inhabited by books and mechanical equipment scattered all of the floor and desk so it was kind of an obstacle course for Amelia to get to the bed without impaling her foot or making enough noise so that Alexia will wake up. She tiptoed in between the pieces of paper and metal to only just reach the bed without toppling over and smacking her face on a copy of Advanced Mechanics For The Youth.  Amelia impatiently puffed a loose pieces of hair from in front of her eyes and straightened her clothes.  Chiron better give her a good reward for all of this trouble, she thought. After having to leave camp for a year and live in a safe house, befriend a girl in a new place, constantly spy on her for that year, talk to her dad about her and act like a mortal, the least she could get is to be promoted to Head Counsellor of the Aphrodite cabin. Or have 6 months off chores.

Amelia shifted her focus back down to Alexia. Her breathing was slow and calm. She was in a deep sleep. Alaric told her that something should happen around midnight. He didn't know what exactly but something to do with Alexia. If he was right about the whole prophecy of course. It was 11:23 and Amelia was already tired, but she pulled up a small wooden chair from the corner and sat on the side of the bed. She watched Alexia sleep soundlessly for half and hour, before her eyelid started drooping down and her shoulders slumped forward. Amelia jolted awake suddenly. She looked at the clock. It was 12:05. Shit. Had she missed it? Alexia was still in the same position as to when Amelia dozed off. Nothing could have happened right? She decided to watch her for another 20 minutes, just to make sure.

Ten long minutes went past and not a thing changed. So Alaric was wrong then. It couldn't have been Alexia the prophecy was about otherwise something would have happened by now. Sighing deeply, Amelia carefully put away the chair and headed towards the door. Just as she was turning the handle, the room was filled was a golden glow. She turned to face the bed. Amelia had to put her hands to her mouth to stifle a scream. Alexia was floating two feet above her bed. Her entire body was surrounded in a golden aura that filled the whole room. Amelia was stood frozen. She didn't know what to do. Should she get Alaric or just wait? About a minute passed and she could see the glow starting to fade, and Alexia's body brought back down to her bed in the same position as before it started. As if nothing ever happened.

So it was true then. Alexia real was the person the Prophecy was on about. She had to tell Chiron about this as soon as possible. Amelia quietly left of the room into the dark hallway. She raised her dagger for a dim light and searched for a pen and paper. She finally found one a hastily scribbled down on it and slipped it under Alaric's door. Amelia frantically packed her emergency backpack that she left here just in case she ever needed it. She had to do to Long Island Sound. And quick. She had everything set and went towards the door. Amelia turned around one last time. 

" Shit I forgot the tampons" she murmured as she went towards the bathroom and collected her things. She had emergency everything in Alexia's house. It was if she needed to ever leave on a moments notice. Amelia finally got everything that she needed, and shut the door behind her.  She was going back home. Her real home. She was going back to Camp Half-Blood.


So sorry I didn't upload last week, my computer crashed right after I published so I thought it was fine but it wasn't :/

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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