Unwanted Visiter

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I walked home, thinking about my talk with Marco on the way to class, just that morning. I couldn't wait to tell Stacey! Stacey had been one of my best friends since kindergarten.

When I got home that afternoon, I immediately called Stacey. We talked for about an hour until my aunt came upstairs and told me someone was a the door for me. I wasn't expecting anyone so I was a little confused.

When I walked down the stairs, Do you know who was waiting for me there?Megan Jackson. "Why don't you show Megan to your room." Aunt Margo suggested. "Sure." I said bitterly.

We walked up the staircase. "I see you still live in the same house." Megan's words shot out at me. I ignored her, the only thing I had to say to her was "Why are you here??"

She paused for a second, looking around at my room, then explained. "See, that little 'encounter' you and Marco had in the hallway meant nothing. He's mine. Back off, or it will get ugly.. Ok?"

I told her that I had no interest in Marco and showed her the door.

"Mark my words." She grimed.

"I'll write 'em down in my notepad," I promised her as I led her out the door.

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