APoM: Our Lives Chapter 13

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Hello and Welcome, to the last chapter of A Pack of Misfits: Our Lives. Thank you for sticking by and reading it out XD there is a sequel to this as well, however it is still in construction (read; it still needs to be started). It is called 'A Pack of Misfits: A Tale of Two Times'. Read and Enjoy, is you so wish to :D

EPILOGUE -- When you wish upon the setting sun

I tapped my pen against my chin as I stared at the last few empty pages of my already old and tattered journal. The binding was falling apart as were the pages themselves. But that was mostly just appearance. With the use of my magic, I had managed to preserve the journal itself for more than 3 millennium. 

Sighing, I leaned back in my chair and twirled the pen around my fingers as I stared listlessly at the slowly setting sun. Sometimes I wondered if they were still out there... my pack, my friends...my sister. Sometimes I missed them, but as they say, years ease the inevitable pain. And I have had many years to come to terms with the loss of people who I considered family. And actual family. 

Looking down at the book in my lap, I lowered the pen and allowed the ink to run out on the page. 

Hello again. 

That is a funny was of starting an entry...hello again...but then again, after so many years of not being able to speak, let alone welcome back someone long gone...I suppose it is the only suitable beginning for the ending. 

I know I do not have much time left anymore...I am only alive now because of my demi-god blood. I know that I could have lived longer, but those be the pitfalls to having a mate. Not that I would complain, in hindsight. Now that I look back at the years I got to spend being loved in more than a platonic way, I can not say I am not grateful. Because I am. Even now, when all that glory has faded and long since perished, I feel no regret, nor sadness, nor anger to having my life force bound and dictated by the existence of another being. 

As I have mentioned in this journal once before, many, many years have passed since I lost my sanity and only 70 since I lost my actual life. Yes, to repeat, Fenrir and Eridanus are dead. For all I know, everyone is long six feet under by now. I know for a fact Sunny is dead, I was there. I got to watch, every so now and then, as she grew up and grew old while I stayed behind, stuck in the everlasting paradox that was my young immortality. I am so young, yet so very old. And it is tiring. 

It is tiring when you look back and recall everything you have experienced, felt and lived through. I remember it all....from the first memory I had as a child, in my adopted families gardens, to the individual times I met each member of my pack. The fight against Fenrir, meeting the vampire brothers...even the battle in which I lost my mind...and part of my heart, as down trodden and cliche as that may sound. 

I have explained before, in vigorous detail, the events of the battle, but for nostalgia's sake, once more cannot hurt. 

We fought against shadows, black, shady, mirror images of ourselves. They were just as strong and just as clever as us. They were us. We never realised, not until it was too late, that we should not have been fighting ourselves. Each one of our pack could be brought down by another...not by ourselves. I was forced to watch as Annabelle went down protecting Sunny, I saw Cepheus and Jalex die, back to back. My own sister, Thierra, defeated by her shadow. I saw my first mate fall...right before my eyes, as my own shadow struck him down. By default, all because I dodged. 

All I ever have and probably ever will remember from that day is pain, unbearable pain. And screaming. And according to eye witness accounts from Artemis, Sunny and Eridanus, an enormous storm that ultimately absorbed the shadows, sending them into another realm in an array of wild colors and sheer power. They had all said that it was the most power they had witnessed, coming from me. I believed them. I still do, I suppose. 

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