APoM: Our Lives Chapter 7

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CHAPTER SEVEN -- Red, White, Blue and Orange

Our school had set up a lovely 'exchange student' program with another international school. In my personal opinion, it was just an excuse to get rid of the worst (most annoying) students for a couple of days. 

In other words, I was almost certain that Fenrir, Tom Riddle, that pink haired girl and myself would be carted off. And I could not let this happen. 

So, to cut that story short, when I found out where they had put the exchange student choices, I slipped  in and changed half of the names into most of those from my pack. This brought to mind the saying 'If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me'. 


This led to the announcements being rather disappointing for some teachers. But at least I was going to Holland with my pack. 

The minute our names were all announced in the large scale assembly, I jumped up, stuck my hands in the air and yelled something stupid. 

"I'm gonna screw stuff up!" 

Of course, I got looked at like I was a crazy person, but then again, give credit where credit is due, no? I had guts. My words did, thankfully, serve their purpose and some people laughed. Others just sat with looks of confusion or contempt. Or both. 

These events led to us spending about five hours searching for things to pack for us to take to Holland. Sunny, Artemis and Jalex had some how finished first and brought their bags with to our forest house. Annabelle was finished soon after. Thierra would be staying home, given that the trip only funded six students. 

Fenrir and I, on the other hand, had spent two of those hours running around trying to find suitcases. In the end, I gave and up and spelled my bag to hold more things without gaining extra weight. With that done, it took me another good hour to pack clothes and other necessary things. 

The exchange trip was only actually coming around in two weeks, but Annabelle had insisted we pack early. "Knowing you," She had said while glaring at me, "You will leave this to the last minute. So go and get packed and have your stuff ready." 

I had been forced to retreat with my head down and a pout on my face. 

Ah well, some battles you win, some you..lose. 

By the end of the ordeal, I was slouching in my chair, glaring at a smirking Annabelle. And Artemis. Those two were in cahoots, I swear!


We didn't get much of a 'goodbye'. On the day of the switch, we were taken to the train station in a bus-taxi by three teachers, before they handed our tickets and instructions for the whole trip. 

I grumbled as I was shoved around by the crowds in the train station. Small and frail...why not? Latching onto Fenrir's bag strap, I grabbed Sunny's hand and let Fenrir and the rest lead us to the platform we had to be at. 

"Watch were you are going, insolent brat!" Some posh, rich person snapped at me when I accidentally walked into their back after they stood still in my path. 

"Hey! You stopped! Don't snap at me!" I yelped in indignation. A sharp snap alerted me when the tall man held up his cane, apparently going to strike a young child in the middle of a busy train station. Of course, no one payed any attention and made no move to help. Of course. 

Well, no one but my caring pack. "Stop it!" Annabelle snapped at the old man, before taking me by the arm and guiding me away. 

By the time we had made to the train, I felt like falling where I stood. I had bumped into six people in total since the old man and each had threatened me. One of them had actually struck me across the face without exclaiming anything. My cheek felt like someone had taken a knife and sliced it open, then stuffed fire ants into the wound. 

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