APoM: Our Lives Chapter 2

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CHAPTER TWO -- Reacting to a blond Riddle. 

It was raining. No - it was storming. The small, individual droplets of water battered down on the earth and rhythmically pattered against the window of my bedroom. Fenrir lay next to me, snuggled into my side. Or more like I was snuggled into him. For once, I didn't mind. The room was cold, he was warm. So I took full advantage of that.  

The rain tapped against my window, lulling me back into a nice, warm sleep. 

The faint sound of a door opening and closing downstairs had me waking up. Sniffing slightly, I smelt an unfamiliar scent. Drenched in rain. Who was here? Giving Fenrir a nudge, I made him let go of me. His arms loosened slightly, leaving the job of actually getting out of the grip up to me. Doing just that, I wiggled my way lose. 

Footsteps came from downstairs. Two sets. One slightly familiar. No...please no. 

Slowly making my way to the door, I grabbed a jacket, not actually paying any attention as to whose it was. 

Stepping out of my room, I softly shut the door. I knew Fenrir by now, and for him to have released me so easily, he must have been deeply asleep. And waking him up now would not do well to my curiosity as to who was in my house at this ungodly hour and even worse weather. 

I nearly jumped my way down the stairs, but opted against fun for stealth. Fenrir could still hear me. 

Of course, all the aforementioned caution flew out the window the minute I saw the soaking wet, blond haired, blue eyed son of a sea monster sitting on one end of the couch in the living room. In a blanket. In one of , thankfully, Thor's blankets. There would have been hell to pay if...he....even touched any of mine. 

"WHAT IS THAT DOING HERE!" I screamed. Big mistake, as I would figure out in the next ten seconds.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Riddle drawled from where he sat on a couch in my house. 

"I LIVE here! What are YOU doing here!?!?!" I yelled back. And then, an enormous crash from upstairs drew my attention away from Tom. Well, there went another one of my doors. Second one in four months. 

"LOKI!" I heard the clipped call from upstairs, before a less-than-pleased incubus half breed sprang down the stairs in one giant bound, landing for two seconds before going air borne again, this time landing directly behind me. "Oh sh-" I didn't manage to finish the sentence before I was pulled into the arms of my overly protective mate. 

Behind us, Tom Riddle started to squirm, rather irked by Fenrir's display of....I'm not so sure what. To alleviate some of the awkwardness, I kicked Fenrir in the shin, hard enough to make him let me go, before I pounced on my arm chair before Fenrir could force me to sit with him. Now that I took the seconds to think on it, ever since...that event...in the forest, now five months, my life had been completely consumed by Fenrir. Everything that happened, happened between us. Not like before, where I had made as much mischief as fun with each of my pack members. No, now I was either arguing, fighting, hunting or cuddling (sadly) with my mate. 

I felt guilty. 

"Oh, hey!" Thor's now feminine voice broke my thoughts. "When did you get up?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"When did he," I gestured at Fenrir with my chin, "get here? Better yet, how did he know where to look!?!" I snapped.

 Unsurprisingly, Thor averted her eyes for a few seconds, her cheeks tinging pink. Riddle, unfamiliar with the manner in which I spoke to my pack (actually, unfamiliar with the fact that we were even a pack), snarled slightly. 

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