Here We Go Again || Episode 4

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"I love you so much," Joey said as he kneeled down. He held Cat's hand and took a deep breath. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Joey said and looked down. "Are you being.. Serious?" Cat had a big smile on her face. Joey was still looking down and thought that she rejected him. "I'm sorry if you don't feel the sam-" Joey got interrupted by Cat.

"Yes." Cat said

Joey smiled at the ground. He stood up and looked at her in the eye. "W-Wait.. Really?" Joey said. Cat got closer to him and said..


Joey had a big smile on his face and pulled her into a hug. "I love you." He whispered in to her ear. "I love you more." Cat said and smiled. They leaned back a bit, still having their arms wrapped around each other. They made eye contact and smiled.

They kissed.

-End of Flashback-

"Joey!" Cat sat up and realized that she dreamt about what happened before. She shaked her head and sighed. She opened her twitter and looked through her dms.

@LukeConard : Hey Cat! Are you going to my party later?

@catrific : A party? Um, sure I guess. Who's going?

@LukeConard : Oh.. Joey (sorry for saying his name, Cat. I know you guys.. Broke up.)

@catrific : No, it's alright. We hung out yesterday lololol.

@LukeConard : Oh wow! I did not realize that. Anyways, The people who are coming are mostly youtubers so yeah.

@catrific : Oh okay, I'll go.

@LukeConard : Awesome! See you there! :) 4 pm!

Cat checked the time and it was 2 pm. "Wow, I slept at 1 pm and woke up at 2 pm. A one hour nap huh?" She stood up and grabbed her vlogging camera and started vlogging.

"Hey guys! So, today, I'm going to Luke's party at 4 pm. Well, right now it's 2." Cat laughed. She sat on her bed and saw Beta. "Well, look at Beta, she is much more entertaining to film than me." Cat said. "Say hi!" Cat said and pointed the camera to Beta.

-3:40 pm-

Cat decided to go grocery shopping. "Hm.. I'll just get Chocolate Almond Milk since Ingrid recommended it to me." She grabbed a one and put it in her cart. "What else?" Cat said and remembered. "Ah yes! Eggs!" She took her vlogging camera and started vlogging once again. "So, guys.. As I told you before, you should always check the eggs if they are crack. Like this." Cat opened it and checked if any eggs had a crack on it.

"Nope!" Cat said. "Wow, we should just call this vlog 'Grocery Lessons with Cat' right?" Cat laughed. "Anyways, I'll meet up with you guys later!" Cat closed her camera and put it in her pocket. She looked to her right and saw Joey and Whitney... Holding hands.

Cat's eyes widened. She quickly walked away, hoping that they didn't see her. She looked back and sighed in relief "Joey and Whitney??" Cat mumbled and got sad. "Past is the past, Cat. Get over it." Cat said to herself.

-4:00 pm-

Cat arrived at Luke's house and locked her car. She knocked on the door. She could hear the music inside and laughed because the song was Blurred Lines.

"Hey Cat!" Cat heard someone from behind. "Oh, hey Joey.. And Whitney." Cat smiled at the both of them. "Hey, Cat! I missed you!" Whitney said and smiled back. "Let's go inside?" Joey said looked at Cat and then Whitney. "Sure, Joey." Whitney smiled. They held hands and went inside.

"Oh god.." Cat said in her mind and went inside as well.

"Hey, Cat!"

"Hey, Dan!" Cat said and they hugged. "I missed you so so so so much!" Dan said and smiled at her. Dan put his arm around her like what friends do. "How are you? I haven't seen you in months!" Dan said. "Oh, I'm good! Where's Phil?" Cat said. Dan pointed at Phil and he was at the table setting up the chips for Luke.

Dan looked at her the whole time. But looked away when Cat looked at him.

Dan smiled at her and said "Let's go sit down and talk." He held her hand and ran to the couch.

Joey looked at Cat and Dan. Whitney was trying to get his attention but all he did is look at Cat. He felt a little sad. The way Dan put his arm around her, even though they're friends, made him a bit mad.


To be continued.

Here We Go Again || Catrific and Joey Graceffa FanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu