Chapter 22

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As we were on the way, walking towards the van which was outside, we saw some fans at the door as usual, and also saw some crowding around the van. We pushed opened the door, greeted the fans, got into the car and placed Yuna on my lap while she was sleeping. As we were on the way back to the dorm, we stopped at a near by restaurant to eat supper because we kinda got hungry after packing up. We bought some fried chicken and some soda, and went back to the dorm.

~Back at the dorm~

When we got into the house, I went to my room which I shared with V, placed down my bag, took my clothes and went to shower. After showering, I opened the door, and saw V, Rap Mon and Suga outside waiting for a chance to fight for the shower. After managing to escape from the scene, I went to wake Yuna up so that she could shower. After waking her up, I went back to my room to play some games on my phone. Soon, I could hear the members screaming for the fried chicken. So, I went out to eat with them.

~After eating~


After I showered, I placed my dirty clothes and towel into the hamper which is in my bathroom, and got to my study table to do some homework that I got from my 'school' period. While doing homework, I heard someone knocking on my door and I went to open it because I locked it while I was showering. When the door was open, it revealed NamJoon oppa. He informed me of my schedule with the for the following week because for the entire 2 weeks, next week and the next, my 'school' teacher is not free due to choreographing new choreography for the BTS oppas. So I will be with my oppas for the entire day following them to every schedule, and probably getting involved in some of the schedules. Afterwards, I closed the door, left it unlocked, and continued with my homework. Soon, I got bored of only doing homework, so I decided to spice it up by playing some relaxing music while doing my homework, which helps me a lot. Especially when the oppas are very noisy, it helps me to relax and do my homework in peace.

~A few hours later~


Soon, I realised that it was 11pm since I was so focused on doing my homework. And my goal was to finish it before I go to sleep, so that I don't have to worry about waking up early the next morning to do it since I have to follow the oppas everywhere and skipping my daily trainee lessons, which is mostly with the oppas, so we'll probably have it in the van. But at least, I finished my homework and achieved my goal, so I decided to brush my teeth, brush out my hair, and tuck myself into the bed and sleep with the relaxing music. But before that, I had to get my phone beside me so that I can plug it in to the dock which Rap Mon oppa bought for me when he went on tour. After doing that, I went to brush my teeth, change into my PJ's and then tucked myself in to bed and fell asleep in the darkness.

Rap Mon's*

I went to check on Yuna before going to sleep, I opened the door, and found her sleeping peacefully with some relaxing music. In fact, she does this everyday, so its not a new thing to me. Afterwards, I went back to my room to sleep until the next morning where the schedules get crazy.

~The next morning~


I woke up at around 5am, to make breakfast for the members and Yuna, then went to wash up and get ready for our schedules for the day. I woke the members up after changing my clothes and putting on a little bit of my makeup. After all of us had eaten, we went to the lobby to wait for our manager hyung to pick us up and to our schedules. When we got into the car, Rap Mon connected his phone to the cars radio, and started to blast BTS songs.

Sorry guys!!!!! For not updating regularly.......I've had a busy month going on, and also I had not much time to update due to homework and also now I present this chapter to you guys!!!!!! See you guys in the next chapter and hope u all enjoyed this chapter!!!!

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