Chapter 18

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Continuing from V's*


When we reached the dorm, Yuna immediately ran into her room. We(BTS) looked at each other and gave each other the looks saying, 'What happened to her?' We pointed someone out to go and get Yuna from her room. And the person that was chosen by us was, me. I went to her room door, knocked on it and went in. She looked at me with puffy eyes and put her head down to her knees, crying even harder. "What happened Yuna?" She didn't answer me and continued to cry. As time went, Yuna still didn't tell me what I just went out of her room. Giving her time to cool down until she is ready to come out and tell us what happened.


The moment we got home, I ran into my room because....of the girls that bullied me. 


During recess, when JungKook oppa was not around, I went to walk around the corridors of the level I was in, I saw the 3 girls. They came up to me and said, "You had the nerve to tell JungKook oppa? You better watch out or else, you won't know what will happen to you." 

~Flashback end~

Afterwards, I heard my room door open, I looked up and saw V oppa, I looked at him and continued to cry. When he asked me what happened, I didn't reply, I just cried. Soon after, he left my room and I cried myself to sleep. 


When I went out of her room, I went towards the guys and said, "I don't think she wants to tell us what happened to her... She was crying until her eyes turned red, it was so puffy that I think, the next day when she wakes up, it will hurt." Jin hyung said, "Let's just give her some time to cool down, maybe she will tell us when she is ready. Unless there is something or somebody that's not allowing her to tell us."


After spending some time in the dorm, I stood up and walked towards Yuna's room and opened the door. Looking at her sleeping is very cute, but with those tear-stained did not make her as cute as usual. I went out and told the guys that Yuna fell asleep. Afterwards, Jin hyung, started to cook our dinner because some of the members were hungry, and if Yuna woke up, she would be hungry too. 


I finally woke up and checked the time, 7pm...I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen to find food. Only to see Jin oppa sitting at the kitchen counter doing the dishes. "Jin oppa, is there still food?" I asked. He nodded his head and told me that my plate was at the dining table.  I ate my food, went to the other oppas room to call them out because, I decided to tell them about what happened in school...hopefully this would help me even more...maybe not. 

~After gathering everyone in the living room~


"Oppas, I'm going to tell you about what happened during recess today...when JungKook oppa went to the toilet...I was walking around the corridor of our level. And I saw the 3 girls that bullied me 3 months ago...I don't know how, but they managed to enter our level...they came to me and said that I had the nerve to tell you oppas about the bully case." After saying that, I broke down and cried again. The oppas looked at me and said, "Yuna, would you want to consider having homeschooling?" I looked up and said, "Homeschooling?" The oppas nodded their head and Jin oppa said, "We actually considered signing you up for homeschooling at BigHit, because, that way, you won't be at home alone with the teacher and then waiting for us to come back home. So your teacher will be Son Sung Deuk hyung because he knows our schedules and he's smart." I smiled and said, "Then I won't have to face those girls again?" The oppas nodded their heads and I smiled. 

Hey guys!!!!!  How are you guys lately? For me, I had so much homework that I didn't have time to update.....but today....I finally have the time. I know this update is short....but I'll try to make it longer when I update the next time.

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