Chapter 6

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~ At night, 7pm ~ 

Yuna's P.O.V

We were on the way home from the bubble tea shop and the oppa's are sleeping. The moment we reached home, I realized that the lights were off and there was a very good smell in the house. I walked in and a bunch of people came out singing the birthday song for me. I saw Lee Changmin oppa, David Oh oppa, and Homme oppa's. 

Jungkook's P.O.V

Yuna was surprised to see our Bang PD there too. We cut the cake and started to eat all the food that was there. After eating, we had gift-giving time. Yuna received toys, clothes, fancy stuff, stationary and hand phone accessories. 

~ After the party, 10pm ~

No one's P.O.V

BTS and Yuna showered and went to their rooms to prepare for the next day. Yuna was in her room packing all her presents from everyone. She packed and went to sleep. BTS was in the living room watching TV, they were watching variety shows that were on. 

~ Yuna's room ~ 

In Yuna's dreams: 

"Don't come near me!! Why do you all like to bully me? Is it that fun to bully someone?" Everyone started to come nearer to me and started to hit me. 

 Yuna's P.O.V 

I woke up screaming with cold sweat around my forehead. Jimin oppa came in and carried me. He brought me outside while muttering soothing words to me.

Jimin's P.O.V

I ran to Yuna's room after hearing her scream. I carried her outside while muttering words like, '"It's okay, it's just a bad dream." She calmed down after a while and wanted a to carry her. She seems to like Taehyung more than us. She mostly only wants Taehyung to carry her. 

V's P.O.V

I carried Yuna to mine and Jimin's room to sleep. After 5 minutes, Jimin came in and went to sleep. I hugged Yuna to sleep and I fell asleep soon after.

~ 6 am in the morning, Saturday ~

I woke up with a burning forehead on my arms. I took a thermometer to take Yuna's temperature, and it was 40.9°C ! I woke Jimin and the others to tell them about Yuna's high fever. They said, "Let's take her to the hospital."

~ At the hospital ~

Rap Monster's P.O.V

The nurse helped us to register Yuna into a single ward in the hospital. Soon, a doctor came and said that Yuna's case was not serious. It was just a normal high fever and a cold. The doctor suggested that Yuna should stay in the hospital until she fully recovers. I went outside and asked the doctor what would happen if we didn't bring her to the hospital earlier, the doctor said that Yuna could have started to vomit continuously and she would have to stay in the hospital for more than 2 weeks for recovery. I thanked the doctor and went back into the room to tell the members about Yuna case. 

We decided to take care of Yuna in shifts, so that each of us can rest. We decided that V should stay with Yuna until the end of the day. When we had schedules, we can ask one of our stylist or coordi noona's to take care of her until we came back to the hospital. V stayed in the room and the rest of us went back to the dorm.

V's P.O.V

I looked at Yuna's sleeping face and felt happy for her because she has so many caring oppa's for her and she can rest more comfortably in the hospital due to the security. When I saw Yuna's fingers moving, I immediately held her hand to let her know that there was someone with her in the room. Yuna opened her eyes and looked at me with the 'where am I?' face. I said, "You are in the hospital, don't worry, Taehyung oppa is here with u. The other oppa's will come later." She nodded and asked for my phone to play since we left her phone in the dorm. During the visiting hours, the other members came and talked to Yuna. Soon the doctor said that Yuna was okay to go, Namjoon hyung went to fill in some papers for Yuna's discharge and we went back to the dorm. 

Suga's P.O.V

We soon had to leave for our schedule, so instead of going back to the dorm, we went straight to our schedule and as usual, left Yuna in the waiting room to sleep after letting her eat her medicine. After all our schedules, we went back to the dorm to rest, and get ready for the next day. 

Here's the second update!!!!! Sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!!!

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