We reach my car and I hop down from Grayson and unlock the doors. Grayson saids,"I'll drive babe." I usually don't like for other people to drive my car but this is Grayson so.. I say,"Okay." He opens my door for me then walk over to the driver's side and get in, then we pull off.

About thirty minutes of driving, he parks the car at The Cookout and we get out and head in. I tell Grayson I'll be right back and he nods so I go into the restroom and call me mom real quick.

Grayson's POV

As I'm waiting in line, I hear two girls whispering behind me, rather loud might I add."Yeah he's super hot! I could ride him all night." Eww. "Yeah but he has a girlfriend! Eh a black one at that." The other hoe saids,"Yeah but I'd still tap that regardless!" I turn around and say, while glaring at them,"Can you two maybe shut the hell up!" They look at me surprised and I turn back around and hear nothing else. That's what I thought.

A couple minutes later of waiting in line and telling people to skip me, Nelly walks out of the bathroom and I just admire how stunning she is for a moment. With her dark chocolate sun kissed skin, and her electric brown eyes. Oh and don't let me forget her gorgeous figure. She's slim thick in all the right places, and I can't thank God enough for my chocolate goddess..

I grab her waist and kiss the top of her head feeling my desire for her get higher as I do so. She saids,"My mom said that I could stay over." She smiles up at me and I return the favor and say,"That's great baby." She nods and gets in front of me as we wait in line, and I put my arms around her waist while pressing myself against her softly.

She turns around and look up at me saying,"Graysonnnn.." I say,"Nellyyyy.." She purses her lips together and say,"Not right here Gray, with all these people so close." I lean down and kiss her neck while whispering in her ear,"Whatever you say princess, but just know that this," I squeeze her butt gently,"Is mine when we get home, okay?" She mumbles,"Okay.." And the cashier saids 'next!' So we walk up to her and I say,"What do you want babe?" She saids,"Umm, a cheeseburger with onions, lettuce, and like a bunch of ketchup please. Oh and with a side of fries and Sprite to drink." I chuckle a little at her and the cashier does to and look at me saying,"And what would this handsome gentleman over here like?" I lift my eyebrow at her and Nelly does the same.

The cashier quickly saids,"Oh no sorry if that came out wrong! I don't want him. Besides I have a boyfriend myself and two kids." Nelly nods and I say,"Um yeah, well I would like the same thing but with a lemonade instead. Oh and without all that ketchup and put pickles and tomatoes on mine." She nods and say,"Ookay your total will be eight dollars and seventy nine cents." I nod and pull out my wallet and pay, then she hands us our empty cups and we head over to the soda machine and wait behind this lady.

Nelly saids,"Gray look! You see her butt? That thang is huge. You think it's real?" I look down at Nelly and say,"Why would I look at another women's butt?" She saids,"Gray it's fine, I give you permission, but only this time." I say,"No Nelly! I'm not looking at her as-" She interrupts me saying,"Watch your mouth. You been cursing all day today." I chuckle and say,"Whatever babe." She moves up as the lady in front of us moves away and gets Sprite, Fruit Punch, Spite Grape, and lemonade. I just get lemonade.

They call our name for the food and we grab it then walk over to a clean table. I pull out her chair for her and she thanks me then I sit on my chair and we exchange the food. She opens her burger and frown at it saying,"What the? How do they forget cheese on a cheese burger!" I look at it then back at her and say,"You want mine?" She saids,"Naw you can enjoy your food. I'll just ask her for another one." I nod and watch her closely as she goes up to the register. She looks really frustrated, it's kinda funny.

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