"What happen?" Jace demanded.

"I think I just felt the baby move," I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Really? Can I feel?"

"It's too early for you to feel it. I barely even felt like anything."

"Are you sure then?" Jace asked.

"No, but give me a minute. Maybe I can feel it again."

A silence wrapped around us. Jace interlaced our fingers, and stretched out his legs from his seat on the floor next to me. It wasn't until I started to feel discouraged, that the reassuring flutter happened again.

I squealed this time, wrapping my hands around my belly.

"I felt it! I felt our baby move!" I cheered, beaming down at my large belly.

Jace started laughing, and planted a kiss on my lips, before resting his head on mine. His hand traced over my belly. A moment later I pulled away from Jace. He looked at me questioningly. I ignored the look, and pulled myself up, using the counter for support. Jace leaped up, and helped me stand steadily on my own two feet.

"Where are you going?"

"To get ready."

I walked away, leaving Jace and one of his ridiculous grins in the bathroom.

Half an hour later I was ready. The babble of many voices echoed from down the stairs. Jace was already downstairs with his pack, waiting for me to join them all. He had been making me more nervous with the constant monologue, so I sent him down.

Glancing out the window, I had a clear view of everyone waiting for the grills to heat up enough to cook the food. There was a group of children playing a game of tag on the outskirts of the forest. Jace's father looked worry free and relaxed. Jace was laughing with a few friends, joking around with them. Jace's pack looked so happy even though they had just been through this giant trauma.

Just then the door opened. I spun around to face Keila.

"Hey," she said sweetly.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to see if you need any help."

"Thanks," I smiled at her. "I was just about to head down."

We both headed out the door towards the stairwell at the end of the hall.

"How is your pack so happy?"

"Our pack now," she said correcting me with a smile. Her hands hovering around me as I made my slow descend down the stairs. "And they are all excited to officially meet you."

"A lot of them have met me before though."

"You're nervous, aren't you?" I muttered.

I nodded my head.

"I'm even nervous for you, but I know everything will be fine."

I nodded my head, willing myself to accept the words. Soon we were facing the double doors leading to the backyard. My muscles clenching up freezing me to the spot I stood as I watched everyone through the doors, like an animal watching the humans go about their lives from the other side of it's cage at a zoo. If I passed through the door I would become the main attraction at the zoo.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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