Chapter 2 - Who's that?

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~Taylah's POV~
On my way down the corridor after fourth period Grace and Annabel come running up to me.
"You are sitting with us!" Grace says to me with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah we are going to introduce you to the rest of the gang." Annabel adds.
I look at them with a smile on my face. I can't believe I have somewhere to sit at lunch! I guess this is a start and might I just say I'm so happy I don't have to be like the new girls in movies who eat their lunch in the bathroom. I reply to them simply by saying, "just let me put my books away and I'll walk with you guys." I turn back to my locker and shove my books in closing it in one swift motion and walk back to them.
"Ready?" Grace asks me. I nod my head and we make our way to the cafeteria.
It's really not that scary you just grab your food pay for it and find a seat simple.
As I was walking over to get my food I noticed my brother in the line and slowly walk over to him. He is standing with a couple of guys and is talking to them. I don't really care that they are there my guess is that they are the people he already knew when he came to the school. Now I'm standing right behind him and I decided to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. After I tap him he turns around and looks at me his facial expression had mixed emotions and I just couldn't read what he was trying to say to me through his face so I just give up and asked what I was going to ask before.
"Hey Seb, how's your first day going?" I ask him politely.
"Are you talking to me?" Seb asks me with a dumb expression on his face.
"Well, duh" I reply. What's he doing? I really don't like where this is going.
"Sorry I don't think I've met you before so I'm going to go this way now see ya." Did he just, really, I can't ...
"Hey are you okay?" Grace asks me with a worried expression on her face. I push down my anger and look at her and put on a smile.
"I'm fine." Lie.
"Okay good, let's go this way. I follow Grace and see Annabel already sitting at a table with a group of guys and girls. We walk over and they make room for us. I sit between Grace and Annabel placing my food on the table.
"Everyone this is Taylah." Annabel says to the other people at the table.
"Hey" I said looking at all of them. I see Seb looking at me from a couple of tables away and I avoid making eye contact with him. I can't believe he just did that to me, his own sister he's so stupid.

~Seb's POV~
I know I was harsh on Taylah but I don't want the guys thinking I'm a nerd like her. I know that sounds so bad but it's true she is a nerd in a way. She's not the type that wears glasses or anything but she just acts like a nerd would.
I see her sit down at a table, forcing a smile to be polite. I think she just noticed me looking at her but she makes no eye contact with me. Sighing I bring me attention back to the guys.
"Yo Seb, that girl that came up to you in the line was so weird." Nathan says to me.
"Yeah, do you know her?" Jake adds.
Why did they have to bring this up. I understand that they are curious and that anyone would probably ask the same question so I guess I'll just have to answer it. "No, I've never seen her before in my life." Lie.
"She looked like she knew you." Jack adds.
I give them a look to say just drop the subject I don't know her leave me alone. Yeah I know I'm in a bad mood at the moment but I seriously don't want to talk about any of this to the guys. I was just really rude to my own sister and acted like I didn't know her at all.
"Wow, this looks like a bit of a tense scene maybe I should go find ..."
I lift my head to see who's talking I cut him off by saying, "hey Ryder." I've never spoken to him but the guys were telling me about him throughout the day. Apparently he is the guy every guy wants to be and the guy every girl wants to have even if it is a one night stand.
"Newbie knows my name already, I hope the guys didn't say anything bad about me to ruin my rep." He said the second part so I could just hear him and the other guys didn't.
"So what's your name anyway or am I just stuck with calling you Newbie?" I hate that name, it's so annoying. Every time someone starts at a new school everyone's like that's the new guy or newbie or you must be new. Can't they just not say a sentence without having to point out someone is new.
"Nice to meet you Seb." He motions for us to follow him out of the cafeteria but I stay put until Jack comes back and has to literally drag me out of the cafeteria. I know I'm friends with the 'in group' and I really don't want to stuff this up like last time but there's something about Ryder that I really don't like. Maybe because all he does is treat girls like trash and I really don't want Taylah to get involved with him. So I guess I'm kind of protecting her by not talking to her at school. So I'm helping her in a messed up way which means I have to be a dick to her.
I'm such a lovely brother. Note the sarcasm.
I just don't want her to get hurt that's it.

Taylah's POV
Everyone at my table is all Talking and laughing and the room looks so animated with everyone making so much noise. Bang the doors fly open and insteps the guy from my class this morning who was making out with that girl at the beginning of class. I look around the room and see most of the girls staring at him and boys, my guess is boyfriends of some of the girls, they are giving him dirty looks and putting their arms around their girlfriends. I'm guessing he's the popular guy note to self stay away from him. Just out of curiosity I say "Who's that?" To the guys I'm sitting with and motion my eyes towards the guy that was in my first class today. He is wearing dark blue jeans and a black top with black nikes. He's brown hair looked like he had just ran his hands through it a couple of times and just walked out of the house. He walked straight over to the table brother was sitting at and started talking to him.
"That's Ryder, every guy wants to be his friend and every girl wants to date him but no one from this group likes him." Whispers Grace in my ear.
I look at her and mouth an oh and just start to listen back to the conversations that started up again at the table but make sure to look at my brothers table out of the corner of my eye. But I come to the realisation that he is no longer there. I quickly snap my head up and look around the cafeteria and see him practically being dragged out of the cafeteria by one if the guys that was sitting at his table. I give a small laugh and say to myself he deserves to be dragged around.
"Taylah did you say something?"
I look up to see Annabel looking at me with a questioning look on her face. Whoops I must of said that out loud.
"No I didn't but I think it's almost next period so we should probably get going." I say standing up. Grace and Annabel and some of the others follow us out of the cafeteria to the lockers.
After I've grabbed my books out I shut my door and start to head towards the class room but end up dropping my books on the floor. I'm such a klutz. I bend down to the floor and start to pick up my books and see another hand helping me pick up some of them. I'm not from a movie which means that it most defiantly will not be a hot guy which I will dramatically fall in love with. I look up only to have my brain tell me that I was right. The person that was helping me pick up my books was the last person I expected to be helping me.

A/N -
Yay I wrote a second chapter!!

Who is the person helping Taylah?

So I'm on holidays tomorrow which means I'm going to have some more time then usual to write which means more chapters.

Please comment I love it when people comment on things and don't forget to vote (:

Anyway I hope your enjoying the book so far and I will hopefully have the next chapter up really soon.
- A xxxx

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