10. A Different Katniss

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10. A Different Katniss

I am not going to wear my hair up as long as I live, not if it exposes this, I thought as I stared into the bathroom mirror the following morning. I pulled all my hair away from the huge love mark that was made first by Gale and then enlarged by Peeta. It almost looked like I had been stung, that's how puffed up it looked. I rubbed it carefully, and it got even redder. I sighed. This whole plan was backfiring not in the reason I had originally thought it would.

If my parents were still alive, gosh, they'd be furious with me. I could picture them scolding me and grounding me for such a thing. Even if I explained it to them both, they would consider the idea as a wrong one and flip out on me. They would rant on about how it wasn't in my nature to do this, it wasn't an issue that directly involved me, and that I wouldn't be setting a very good example for Raven and Colton. My parents raised me right, but I had gone a little off the rails ever since they were murdered during the bombing of 12.

I didn't feel like the girl I used to be.

I could hear their nagging voices in my head. You were raised better than this, my mother would screech. You'd be setting a horrible example for your younger siblings, my dad would rumble. There was quite a list that could go on for so long that I could make a short book.

"What did I get myself into?" I whimpered at my reflection. I saw my bed head looked wild, like birds had slept in it. I still hadn't gotten a shower yet, which was what I planned on doing next. As long as Peeta was occupied with making breakfast, I could get a shower in peace. The last thing I wanted was for him to barge in while I showered. Yet, I didn't take him to do that kind of thing, and if he did, it'd be on accident. No worries.

I hopped in the shower, letting the hot water scorch my body. I took my precious time in the shower since it was a peaceful time for me. Today marked day four of me being Katniss Everdeen. I was just barely hanging on to my sanity, because so much happened. If anything else bad happened, I'd eventually lose it.

Gale still had no plan and now I was pissed at him, Katniss's fate was still unknown, and now Peeta was ticked at Gale because I sort of lied about how I got the love mark which Peeta made his own. This just goes to show that a lot could happen in five days-I counted the day when Katniss was captured.

Once I spent a good fifteen minutes in the shower, I let the steam escape and fly in the bathroom as I rubbed myself down and ruffled my hair. I looked in the mirror to see a blurred reflection, muddled by the steam. I crept to the mirror, wiping away the fog.

I jumped back in horror, trying my hardest not to scream.

Staring back at me were two girls: Katniss Everdeen and myself. Only, the me I was glaring at in the mirror possessed her born hair color, not the dark brown it was dyed. The girls glared at me maliciously. I whimpered.

"He'll figure it out, you know," Katniss crooned. "He'll see right through your attempt."

"Or maybe the dye will wear off, exposing you," the mirror-me snarled sweetly.

"Oh, and I don't think Peeta will be too happy when he realizes I'm missing," Katniss murmured. "He'll think you've done something to me so you could wiggle your way into my life and take it for your own. He won't appreciate that. If he's strong enough to throw a one-hundred pound sack of flour over his head, he can just as easily strangle you and possibly break your neck in the process."

I hyperventilated. This wasn't real; these people in the mirror weren't actually in the bathroom with me.

"Get out of here!" I tried to hiss. My voice quivered, I wasn't believable.

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