Chapter 3

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| Jennifer's POV |

Waking up to the sunlight coming from my window, I tiredly get up and change. Walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I fishing my business and go downstairs.

I enter the kitchen and see Kristen on her laptop.I smirk at her remembering last night when she was cuddling with Ryan.

"What was that for?", she asks me.

"Nothing, just you and Ryan", I said while eating some bacon.

"Oh", she says looking down and blushing.

"He didn't ask you yet did he?", I said.

"No", she said frowning a little.

"He's going to do it eventually", I assure her, she nodded.

I hear heels clicking on the floor coming our way. I snap my head over to the kitchen door and see a woman around my age with a really short skirt and a tank top that made her boobs almost fall out. She might as well not wear clothes at all.

I roll my eyes understanding that she's just one of Jason's many 'friends'.
I see Jason following right behind her.

Ignoring them, I walk over to the fridge and grab a water bottle getting ready to go to the training room and workout.

"Excuse me.... Whatever your name is", that little bitch said in her high pitch voice.

"You're excused honey", I said, she ain't grabbing none of my food.

"Move Jennifer", Jason said.

"Nah", I said not caring.

"Move out of the fucking way", he said getting angry.

"No. Why don't you just take her out to eat. She will not be taking any of my food", I said staring at him angrily.

"That food is not just yours", he said getting closer.

"Well if you don't remember, I'm the only one that pays for it dumb fuck", I said becoming angry.

He puts his hand up as if he was going to hit me but quickly stopped and took a deep breath.

"C'mon hit me. It won't make you less of a man than what you already are", I said not looking away from his eyes.

He was really pissed off, I could tell because of the red face he had from all the anger.

"Let's go Monica", he said and walked out with her.

And I win again. Like always.

Let's just say that Jason has anger issues, he's bipolar , he's crazy and so much more.

I don't blame him, I have anger issues too.

"When will both of you stop with all the bullshit?", Kristen said snapping me away from my thoughts.

"I'll stop when he stops", I said but she just rolled her eyes.

"I remember when you both had a crush on each other", she mumbled.

"Well that's the past now, let it go", I said.

"All went to hell since Alex passed away", she said.

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