What Olivia said made me feel like maybe John was right about me always studying. I got lost in what I read, and I actually enjoyed studying. That doesn't mean I don't hate him for what he did. I just knew finding a great job meant needing a top education. Ever since my mom died five years ago I wanted to make her proud, make my dad proud, and not have him worry about me. But along the way I focused too much on school and starting a career, that I forgot how to have fun.

"I know, you're right. I guess a little fun won't hurt."

"Okay, enough about John, he fucked up. Tell me about your flight, was it nice?"

"Yeah it was okay. Nothing special, except I sat next to a stinky man and a loud woman," I said, but thought about my beautiful stranger, making my cheeks turn red.

"Why are you blushing, did stinky man turn you on," she giggled knowing I hated being called out for blushing.

"No, just a person I ran into at the airport, literally. We collided when I came out of the bathroom, and he was kind enough to make sure I wasn't hurt."

"This man must be hot as fuck if you're blushing that hard," she teased.

"Oh you have no idea. He's about ten leagues away from being in mine," I said rolling my eyes just imagining him showing interest in someone like me.

"Please, how many times have I told you, you are beautiful and it's the quiet ones we have to watch out for," She winked before poking me in my ribs making me squirm.

Olivia stood from the couch, and went into the kitchen to pour us some water. "I hope you're staying through the week, when is your flight home?"

"I actually plan on flying back with you. You're still flying back just after New Year's right?"

"Yeah, oh that's perfect. Plus you can help me pack, but don't worry, I don't have much. Did you ever hear back from those internships?"

"Not yet, but I should hear something any day now. I'm nervous actually."

"Don't be, you're at the top of our class and I bet you'll have your pick of places," she smiled, calming my nerves.

"I hope."

"Trust me, and when you do, we will celebrate with the best wine," she beamed.

"Speaking of wine, I say we drink tonight," I laughed. Olivia had an incredible knowledge of wine since she grew up on a vineyard that her parent's turned into a multi-million dollar business. Olivia came from wealth, but you'd never guess with her love of vintage and sailor mouth.

"Oh shit, tonight! Now you being here is even more perfect," she exclaimed, suddenly remembering something. She did a little happy dance in the kitchen making me laugh.

"Why? What's tonight?"

"Tonight is the Annual Christmas Gala hosted by the Louvre Museum. It's black tie, and rumored to be absolutely amazing. Every year interns who are studying abroad in Paris are invited. I wasn't looking forward to going solo, but now I don't have to."

"Wow, that sounds amazing, but I can't intrude on your event, plus I hardly packed enough warm clothes, let alone an evening gown."

"That won't be a problem. I'll call to get you on the list, and in regards to the dress, I guess that means a shopping trip. I planned on doing my own hair and makeup, but now I say we do the girl thing: nails, hair and makeup."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes, without a doubt, plus this is better than drinking and eating junk food in my apartment," she said with excitement as she started to dial a number. I took the opportunity to use the restroom. Making my way back into the kitchen I heard Olivia end her call.

"Okay, you're on the list for tonight and our appointments have been made for some pampering. Also, I called a designer friend, and she is more than happy to show you some of her evening gowns later."

"How long was I in the restroom?" I laughed.

"Not long, but before we head out I-"

An odd sounding ringtone started ringing from my purse interrupting our conversation. We both looked at each other in confusion, knowing I would never have chosen that ringtone. I fished the phone out of my purse, not recognizing the number displayed on the screen. I decided to let it go to voicemail. Thirty seconds later the phone started ringing again with the same person calling. Figuring it was a wrong number I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, this might sound strange, but I believe we have each other's phones," the man said sounding breathy, like he was laying down.

"Um...okay... hold on a sec." I pulled the phone away from my ear and hit the home button. The screenshot was plain blue, and the icons weren't mine. As soon as I realized the phone wasn't mine I remembered whose it was...my beautiful stranger. I started to sweat, my palms became clammy from gripping the phone too tight. I happened to look over at Olivia, and she had a confused look on her face mouthing "who is it?" I brought the phone back to my ear, and hoped my voice didn't give away my nervousness.

"You're right. I guess we did trade phones accidentally," I spoke sounding more like a robot than an actual human.

"Well, I hope you're still in Paris, and if you are, perhaps we can meet up to exchange them?"

"I am still in Paris. Is there some place in mind you'd like to meet at?" My heart rate sped up anticipating seeing him again.

"How about Oronero Café in an hour?" he responded.

"Sure, see you then, and just in case you don't remember, I have brown hair and-"

"Oh, I remember. I'll see you in an hour," he interrupted as I sensed him smirking on the other side. We hung up and I couldn't help but wonder what he remembered. I hoped it wasn't some gangly girl with a sunken face, because I'm pretty sure that's what my appearance looked like.

Olivia rounded the kitchen island, and came to stand in front of me. "I'm guessing that was your friend from the airport?"

"Yeah, I guess we accidentally switched phones when we dropped them."

"Well this is perfect. You get to see him again and you'll be next to my bookstore," she said pulling me out of my mini daydream.

"You're what?" I asked confused at what she said.

"My bookstore. Before the phone rang I was saying I have to go drop off my final portfolio at the Internship Program's office, and pick up a few books I had on hold. Now that you'll be next door to my bookstore you can pick them up, I'll run my quick errand, and then we can get our day started earlier than I thought."


The walk to the bookstore was breathtaking. The picturesque windows had bright red and yellow flowers cascading over the rod iron ledges. Each little storefront had colorful awnings with their names delicately painted in gold lettering. The sidewalks and small cafes were filled with people just beginning their day. The sun shined bright and the air was crisp. Historical architecture has always fascinated me and Paris had it in abundance. Each building had its own personality. Each brick, stone, and tile was strategically placed to tell a story. It was living art. Finding John cheating was gut wrenching, but seeing Paris in person was almost worth the heartache. Paris could be my new love.

I made it to the bookstore fifteen minutes before I had to meet my beautiful stranger. The bookstore was on the corner of a curving road, giving me a perfect view of the café from the front window. I picked up two books Olivia had on hold, and as I made my way to the front of the store to leave, I saw him. He crossed the street with long strides, still wearing that amazing suit from this morning. He had one hand in his pocket and the other lifted so he could read his watch. I couldn't see his watch from here, but I bet it was stylish and expensive. He was graceful when he walked, his shoulders were broad and his posture was straight. He had to be at least 6'3". Anyone looking at him would feel intimidated by his size and hard stare. He probably was dating some modelor actress. Men like him always had high society women on their arm and rotatedthem frequently. We came from two different worlds, mine was definitely lessextravagant than his. This meet up will be a quick hello and goodbye, afterthat, there would be no reason for us to see each other again. 

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