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I flicked Ollie's head because he was annoying me with his 'worrying' face "No no...don't do that!" He spoke. I think he had noticed by now that I just wanted to go home.

I looked down at the green cannula in the back of my hand, connected to fluids. Ollie's mind had clicked "Don't you think about it!" He shouted. Jac had heard him and came walking over.

"What is going on?" She questioned us both. I wanted to tell Jac but Ollie had butted in before I had the chance "She was going to pull out her IV and run out of the hospital!" He replied.

I put my head up and just stared at him; angry as ever. I wanted to punch him. "Well before she can leave...she needs to have a Sleep Study to rule out Sleep Apnea!" She explained before walking off.

Another doctor had come, ready to connect me up. I didn't want this done. "It will be over before you know it" Ollie whispered to me.

That night came drawing in. I knew I had to fall asleep for this test to actually begin. I got comfortable then fell asleep; Ollie watching me sleep. "Isn't she just sweet?" He spoke to himself.

As soon as the clock stroke 6am, I was up and begging the doctor to take the damn thing off me. He had finally agreed to as it had now been more than 12 hours since the test had started. I sighed as the whole thing was taken off.

"Thank God for that!" I spoke to myself.

The doctor had finally left me alone with Ollie; who was still sleeping. "Oi!" I shouted to Ollie, trying to get him to wake up. "Where has that gone too?" Ollie questioned me. I then explained to him that it was finally time for it to come off.

While laying in bed, reading a magazine that Ollie had gotten me; Jac had come walking over with my results. "Zosia...Good news!....You don't have Sleep Apnea!" She smiled a little. I sighed with relief.

"Then what is it!?" I asked her. "You have Insomnia" Jac explained to me.

When Zosia Met OllieWhere stories live. Discover now