One Small Step

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With my Alarms going off, my nurse immediately pressed the 'Crash' alarm. All the doctors came running to attempt to get my oxygen levels back to normal.

They had placed an oxygen mask over my nasal cannula; luckily this worked. Somehow I had slept through all this. All the doctors gave me the most confused face as soon as I woke up.

"What's going on?" I mumbled as I woke up. The doctor told me what had happened; even Ollie looked shocked.

The next words I heard were 'Sleep Apnea' and 'Pneumonia'. I couldn't believe it. "How is this even possible?" I questioned him. Ollie instantly woke and hugged me.

"I'm sure it's a mistake!" Ollie snapped at the doctor. I sat there frowning. How could this be true?

I was wheeled down to Xray, I hated this. I was angry and mad. Ollie walked beside my bed, staring down at me every second. "Can't you just look at the damn walls, instead of me?" I snapped.

"Sorry but that's not possible" Ollie replied. I frowned even more at him. I was about to flip any minute. "Just look at them damn walls!" I shouted then slapped him.

Magically it had worked as he had stopped staring at me. "Thank you!" I snapped.

We had reached Radiology. I was nervous and knew this had to be a mistake. The porter pressed the bell on the wall then handed me over to the radiologist.

Ollie attempted to help me onto the other bed. "Can't you just leave me alone for like 5 minutes!" I snapped. I did love him but he was just starting to annoy me.

After the Chest Xray, I was wheeled back down to the Intensive Care Unit. I couldn't wait to be moved to a normal ward.

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