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I had wanted to for a long time; show Ollie how strong I was. He knew I was strong but I didn't care. "Surprise!" I shouted to him.

He immediately opened his eyes and looked shocked "Zosia...NO!" He shouted!

Ollie stood up, ran to me then grabbed me. I put my arms around his warm body. "Why are you in shock?" I questioned him and laughed.

He placed me back on the bed then stared at me "I love you Zosia...But you have to stay in bed!" He spoke in a concerned voice. My happy face then turned upside down. I took my arms off him. I had the most biggest frown on my face.

I sat there; refusing to lay down. He sat on the bed next to me, trying to put his arm around me. He felt upset about shouting at me. A tear had started to run down my face.

Ollie felt the tear hit his hand "Why are you crying?" He asked me. At first, I ignored him "Speak to me..Zosia!" He snapped, turning my body round so I was facing him. More tears started to fall "I wanted to show strong I am" I mumbled.

Ollie wiped my tears away "You don't need to prove to strong you are" He leaned forward to hug me. I looked up at him and smiled a little "Really?" I mumbled. "Yes!....Now let's get you to sleep" He smiled.

He layed me back down in the bed then sat back down in the little chair. The room was so quite; all I could hear was the clock ticking on the wall. My nurse had came back to check on me.

She had gotten out her little watch that was in her pocket to check my respiratory rate. While I was asleep, my respiratory rate started to drop. She looked concerned; my Alarms started to go off from my oxygen dropping.

When Zosia Met OllieWhere stories live. Discover now