Chapter 2

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„Uhm, okay", i mumble and he smiles even more. „I am sure you are hungry, I'm going to make you some pancakes okay?" he says and leaves me alone in the room. This cant be! This can't be real. I am just dreaming. I pinch myself but I am still in Malia's old room. How is this even possible? Anyway, this is kind of cool! I get to be with my favorite fictional characters. „Lele, what do you want on your pancakes? „ I hear Mr. Tate shout. „Nutella please!" i shout back, go into the dining room and sit down. He gives me the pancakes and I start eating because I am really hungry. „Sooo, where have you been the past 8 years?" he asks. I have to come up with a really good lie. Good that i took acting classes. „ Mr. And Mrs. Miller found me in the woods and took care of me..." i lie. „But I am really tired so I should sleep for awhile". He tells me that I could sleep in Malias room so i go there and lie on the bed thinking about all the crazy stuff that happened. And some time later i fall asleep.
Bright sunlight wakes me up. I stand up, and go to the living room where Mr. Tate is sitting and watching tv. When he sees me, he smiles and wishes me good morning. „I invited the sisters of Malia's friends to go shopping with you since you did not come with a suitcase so i figured that you don't have one. I am sure you will like Miriam and Angela." He says and gives me some money." I say thank you and in that moment, the doorbell rings. Mr. Tate goes to open the door and two pretty girls stand in front of it. „Good Morning Mr. Tate" a girl who looks like a mini Melissa McCall says. „Good morning girls, i hope you'll have fun at the mall." He says. I go out oft he door and with Miriam and Angela to the bus which was waiting around the corner. We get on the bus, get our tickets and sit down. „Sooo... I am Miriam, Lydia's sister, but you don't know her so..." Miriam says, „ and this is Angela, Scott's sister. Lydia and Scott are some of Malias best friends." I didn't even know Lydia and Scott had sisters! They never appeared on screen.

„Well, I guess you guys have to fill me in a lot what happened the past 8 years... oh, and i know about all the supernatural creatures in beacon hills, but what are you guys?"

I ask „Well,I am a banshee like my sister and Angela is nothing." Miriam says

„ Well, thank you that I am nothing! I am human, not nothing." Angela says.

„Okay, lets talk later, we have to get off the bus or we'll miss the station! „ I say.

We get off the bus and walk to the Mall, our first stop, Forever 21. „Alright, what are your favorite things to wear?"Angela asks. „Mostly I wear stuff like tank tops, plaid shirts and shorts. Oh and I love boots!" I say. Miriam rolls her eyes „You are sooo Malias sister! you wear the same stuff!" But we need to get you something else than this comfy stuff. What about a dress?" she says and shows me a blue dress with sparkles. „I am not wearing that! That's so uncomfy!" Miriam just drags me to the changing rooms, and gives me the dress. I guess I have no choice...
After our shopping spree and some bonding time we became great friends, and the girls showed me some important places of beacon hills like the school, the hospital and we also went to the animal clinic and the sheriff station. Then we all had to get home because my "Dad" told me that I had to be home at 7. I honestly do not know why but whatever. When I got home there was a big surprise waiting for me. Malia was home from her camping trip which was obviously Mexico. I really have to act like Malias sister now. Malia runs to me and hugs me, and I hug back. "I can't believe it Lele is that really you? " she says "No it's not, I'm Santa Claus" I say and we all start laughing. "I made some vegetarian lasagna! I hope you are hungry" Mr. Tate says. "Yes, I am very hungry" I say and we eat, after that, Malia and I go to Malia's room, and I ask her about the Camping Trip, she tries to lie but I tell her that I know about Mexico. "How do you know that?" she asks.

" Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes I can! Tell me"

"so first of all, I know about the supernaturals in Beacon Hills, and second, I can read minds."


"Yes way, and be quiet or Dad will hear us"
"But how?"

" I don't know, it just happened when I came here. And yes I know you are a werecoyote."


"So, tell me about you!" I say and just look at her. She is beautiful OMG. On my Fan account I always called her my Queen. She really is...
She tells me all about her friends, her Boyfriend Stiles, the Camping trip to Mexico and other Stuff. And some time later close to before I fall to sleep, I hear how Malia climbs out the Window, probably to go to Stiles' house. I love them. They are my OTP, Were my last thoughts right before I fell asleep.
A squeaky sound wakes me up, and I see Malia climbing into the room. She's wearing a different shirt than yesterday. It's an oversized flannel, so probably Stiles'. Malia noticed that I woke up and told me not to tell dad that she just came back. I promised not to tell, and we went into the kitchen to get some food.
We eat our cereal and pack our bags to go to school. I bought a black bag yesterday when I was shopping with Miriam and Angela. When we got outside, I noticed a blue Jeep waiting in front of the house. Stiles came to pick us up.
So.. What do you think of this? I really hope you like it. 💜

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