Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to fall. I heard Niall behind me saying, “I’m sorry, I didn’t notice that you stopped.”

I didn’t respond to him. I couldn’t. I felt betrayed, and used.

“Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn can you hear me?” Niall said as his eyes followed mine to Harry and Maria.

I looked at Niall, then immediately darted my eyes to the ground. Niall was right all along. I was just too stupid to listen to him. My feet quickly carried me to the girls bathroom, leaving Niall standing there, speechless. I was in the bathroom for about 5 minutes, trying to stop myself from crying so my makeup wouldn’t smear. All of a sudden I see Kaycie burst into the bathroom door, and run in to give me a hug.

“How did you know I was in here?” I asked her, still on the verge of tears.

“Niall came to our table and told Joey. Then Joey came and told me, and we both rushed over here to find you. Joey’s actually outside right now” Kaycie rambled.

“Did he tell you why I was in here?” I looked up at her.

“No actually. Well, Joey didn’t tell me, but Niall might have…Hold on. Let me get Joey.” She walked out of the bathroom, and not even a minute later, she walked back in with Joey.

“Joe, did Niall tell you what happened?” Kaycie asked him with curious eyes.

“Yeah. He said that you saw Harry and Maria kissing and you ran in here. He said you looked upset” he informed us nonchalantly.

“What?!” Kaycie screamed.

“Wait. What’s the big deal?” Joey asked with a confused look on his face. Kaycie rolled her eyes at him. I looked down, not wanting to be the one to tell him my stupid mistake of trusting Harry.

“What’s the big deal? He kissed Kaitlyn yesterday! Him and Maria broke up, and he led on Kaitlyn to think she had a chance with him!” Kaycie yelled in his face.

I saw Joey’s face harden. To be honest, he looked very intimidating. He’s a tall, strong, muscular guy with a bad temper. “I’m going to kick his ass” he snarled, turning on his heel about to burst through the door.

I grabbed his arm and tried to talk some sense into him. “Joey no! Please don’t. It will just make things worse. Please Joe.” I looked at him with pleading eyes.

“Fine. I won’t” Joey sighed in defeat. He pulled me in for a hug.

“Why don’t we go back to the table?” Kaycie asked us.

We both nodded. Joey grabbed my bag and we made our way back to the cafeteria. I locked eyes with Harry as we made our way to the table. He shot me a questioning look, but I just looked away, not being able to look at Harry and Maria together.


The dismissal bell rang. I walked out of the classroom, not wanting to talk or look at anyone but Kaycie or Joey. As I made my way to the parking garage, I couldn’t help but think if Niall had felt this way when I turned him down for Harry.

I saw my friends standing in front of the parking garage, so I made my way over to them.

“Hey guys” I greeted them, forcing a smile.

Joey and Kaycie gave me a sympathetic smile, while the rest of my friends just waved and went back to their conversation.

I felt someone grab my wrist, and they spun me around. It was Harry. Of course.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked me with a smile.

“For what?” I responded spitefully, ripping my wrist from his hold.

“For me to drive you home…” he looked at me confusedly.

Joey came from behind me and pushed Harry away from me. “You’re not driving her home” he spat.

“What? Yes I am.” Harry shook his head and tried to make his way back to me.

“No, you aren’t” Joey yelled, pushing Harry once again.

“Stop pushing me” Harry growled, pushing Joey back, twice as hard.

Joey looked at him and gave him an evil smirk. The, he swung his fist and hit Harry right in the jaw, making Harry stumble back.

“What the fuck man” Harry angrily shouted as he returned the punch. Before I knew it, Harry was on top of Joey punching his face repeatedly. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do.

I see Niall come behind Harry and pull him off of Joey. As soon as Harry was taken off of him, he stumbled up and was about to throw a punch to Harry’s stomach, but a boy with brown hair and blue eyes came from behind him and held him in place.

Harry and Joey were bleeding, but Joey was bleeding much more than Harry. As they caught their breathe, I pulled Joey from the blue eyed boy.

“Thank you, I’m sorry.” I apologized to the boy.

“It’s no problem at all” he gave me a kind smile.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Louis. And you are?”

“Kaitlyn. It’s nice to meet you” I smiled.

I pulled Joey away from the scene of the fight. I made my way towards Kaycie, with Joey’s arm slung around my shoulder for support. I walked over to the bench and placed him down, and Kaycie took a seat next to him.

“What the fuck were you thinking? I told you not to fight with him” I scolded.

“I’m s-“ Joey began.

“What the fuck!” Harry interrupted. He stormed over to the bench, and looked at Joey.

“Fuck off” Joey rolled his eyes.

“I haven’t done anything to you” Harry growled.

“Should I tell him Kaitlyn? Tell him how you saw him kiss that whore!”

“Joey stop it!” I cried.

Harry’s face wore a look of complete shock.




I took a trip to New York to visit my family. So i haven't had any time to write. 

I hope you liked this chaper! 

Fan, vote, and comment please! Love you guys!

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