Chapter 5

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Its been months since, I have witnessed that phase in my life. It was really difficult for me to accept the fact.... that I was never going to meet my father. I wanted some one, who could help me to understand what I felt. But I never really had many friends. But they were just friends or you can say classmates. Monica was the closest to me, so I shared to her my feelings. But it felt like, there was space in my life, yet to be filled by someone special. My mother went into shock after she heard about my father's death. I had my small brother left to be taken care of..... if my mother couldn't handle herself, then I knew I will have to take the responsibility to earn and take care of my family. It was going to be a tough journey without my father, but I am not going to let him down. From the day one, I rarely she'd any tears, although it tore me from inside,i wanted myself to be strong for my family.

After two weeks, I decided to get myself a small job. I left my college application to earn money for my family. My father's company decided to give us pension, but it was not enough for the education fee for my brother. So I decided to take part time college and full working day job at any where I could get the job.

I went every where from branded shops to groceries for getting a job but every where they rejected me only because their staff was full and they didn't wanted to add extra member. I have never been so disoriented in my life, because it was really straining me. I sent my qualifications to every possible job opportunities I found myself suitable for, but all was going in vain.

One day, I was going to groceries for getting some vegetables, but then when I went out, I crashed into someone. All my things got scattered and mixed into the person I crashed to,When I looked up, I saw a familiar face, I saw few weeks ago.

"Hey, the old lady smiled at me.
"Hello ma'am, I replied back smiling at my best.

"I think I remember you, because it's strange for me, I hardly remember anyone at this age., she started laughing.

I was really confused but then I remembered she was the one who I met when I went to her bakery........

"Oh yeah..... I remember you too."I smiled back.

We talked about random things for about 10 minutes, when the topic of Paris attack arose....

Why this.....

"It was really sad, to see it, she said.

Tears had started to pool my eyes again. The harder I tried, it pushed itself it's way down my eyes.

"Why are you crying? ", she asked suddenly seeing tears in my eyes.

" I am sorry...... I.... I actually.... lost.... my dad", I managed to say somehow.

"Oh my god dear, I am so sorry, I had no idea about it,, so how are you managing your self now. "She asked, concern lingering on her tone.

" I don't know, we are getting pension but it's not enough to pay my brother's fee. I am trying to find job but I am getting rejected cause they are either fully staffed or my qualifications are not enough. " I said trying to suppress my sniffles.

" I can help you in this matter because I really need one trusted employee who could just help me around. I really need at this age because I can't really do it. " She explained sadly.

" so could you just work..... ", she continued asking me.

" Ofcourse ma'am, I really needed one and you came in like an angel..... Thank you so much. "I thanked her genuinely from my heart.

" Oh please, stop calling me ma'am..... call me Betty or Mrs Ray. I will be glad If you call me by my name. "She said smiling.

I never knew I would ever come back over that bakery like this. It's been two months since I am working here and I have established a well relation between my colleagues and my studies.

Every thing was fine, and Harry.... Harry styles was out of my life until something unexpected happened .

Harry styles

We all got in our own ways, after our last X factor show.... our hiatus started..... finally. it's obvious every one became emotional as we declared that we are not gonna perform any more for about two years or I don't know....

"Hey baby, I am gonna miss you. " liam said cheekily as he kissed me on my cheeks. I blushed

" Gonna miss me after torturing for five years... huh???, I said hugging him back.

People said that Boys don't say their emotions or express it like how girls do. Girls can hug kiss each other..... but when a boy does the same thing to other, people make a great deal out of it, when it's just a bromance.

I always remained close to these jack ass so we never hesitated to show our love especially when we are not going. g to. we for sometime. This was only executor louis cause I had to maintain the distance from him, but we were really a close buddies as we were before. He loved me more because thought I am young and cutest of all.

After our superb farewell, I decided to remain back in London, as I wanted to spend some time with family

I was sleeping, when my phone started ringing

Who calls in early morning...

Louis... what the hell

"Hi... ", I said in my groggy voice.

" Hi angel Harold.... good morning ", he seemed in good mood.

" What's up.... you calling so early?.. "I asked

" Actually I am going to Mexico, liam gonna fly down to Los Angeles and Niall is going for Asia tour, so why wouldn't we meet and have some party?", he said.

"Today? " I asked.

" Yep, today..... ", he continued.

" I hate it.... but I come for you guys "

'You know every high profile stars are invited so don't let us down..... I want this our best night", he said.

"Hmmmm..... I know.... don't blackmail me....

" Okey dokey... bye love. " he said cutting the phone.

The whole day, I went for the shopping for choosing some clothes for the party. Some fans recognized me and started asking for the Selfie. After I have done with my shopping, I clicked some photos and went off to Lou for getting ready for my party.

She helped me to get ready as today was our night, for the celebration of our five years.

But I didn't know this would lead to a worst night

Okay, so I am not finished with the chapter.... I am gonna go with another update by today or tomorrow...... especially when the trailer is waiting and I am gonna fast forward the story a little bit.

Life long - Harry styles (h. s)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя