33. • aftermath •

Start from the beginning

"Ryan," Mrs. Eckhardt called once more. Her son awoke from the horrid trance, refocusing his glance at her with a sudden sip of his coffee.


"Didn't you hear me?" she laughed. "I was asking if you and Jess had any ideas on baby names."

"No," he mumbled. It was only then that he realized his own father remained as the one person who knew of the truth— the miscarriage. The men exchanged looks, and Ryan instinctively held his breath once a confused expression was suddenly etched upon his father's face.

"Baby names?" he furrowed. "She's pregnant again?"

"Again?" Mrs. Eckhardt countered right after, confused herself. "She's been pregnant for a while, Gerald."

"No... Ryan told me she lost the baby a couple of weeks ago."

It was rather easy to feel the air suddenly sucked out of the entire restaurant, the echoes of silverware hovering over them as all eyes landed on Ryan. His glare shifted between each pair of eyes. The evident confusion across each of their faces was enough to make the socialite shift within his seat, but perhaps it was the moment he had waited for.

"She did lose the baby," he confirmed. "And no, she's not pregnant again. I never got around to tell you, mom."

Mrs. Eckhardt's brows furrowed in disbelief, only to then rest her forehead against her hand and prop her elbow upon the corner of the table with discomfort. "You're kidding. I just made this whole scene at the hospital when I saw her. No wonder she stayed quiet."

"Yeah, well. It just wasn't the right time to say anything."

Mrs. Eckhardt's face softened once she raised her stare, now overtaken by sorrow. It felt sickening for Ryan to see such regret overtaking his mother, and it wouldn't be long before all he'd known would break loose.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan. I know it's disappointing and it hurts but don't ever think it's the end. Many couples go through that," she soothed. "God, now I have to go call her and apologize for being so intrusive."

"No, mom. It's fine," Ryan reassured. With a labored breath, he swallowed thickly as the rest of his words caught up to him. "Besides, there's no real chance for another baby."

"Oh, stop. Of course there is. Just give her some time to cope with it. You just have to be patient."

"We're not together," Ryan murmured with an intent stare at both of his parents. The eerie quiet from Shay's side of the table was magnified as she stayed seated through the most uncomfortable conversation, listening as Ryan spoke up again. "There's no wedding and I think we all know this is far from a normal engagement. I didn't exactly ask you two to give her the ring in my behalf."

The older socialite breathed deeply at her son's remark. It was no secret he was still heavily enraged at their decision to make that drastic step for him. "Ryan, you need to let this relationship work. I know that it can be hard to overcome some difficulties but that's what marriage is. You can't hold her accountable for a mistake made so long ago."

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