Scotty and Pete ( Ant-Man and Spidey)

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Yesterday we had auditions for a musical at school and I went there. I danced, sang and acted ( even though I can't dance, I know how to sing and act). But when we had a certain scene, and it was my turn to say my line cuase I only had one, I cried ! I know that maybe I overacted it, but I only had one line so I had to. And the directors kept lookin at other people, so I wanted to stand out a little just so they don't forget me. I hope I got the role. I ain't gonna let some b*tch take my role. Nah! From now on, you must address me as DiCaprio

And if ur wondering y I put a pic of Andrew Garfield and not Tom Holland, screw u. Andrew Garfield is the best Spider-Man ever, second by Drake Bell who plays the voice of Spider-Man in the Ultimate Spider-Man.

Scotty and Pete

So let me just pick off where we left, cuase it feels a little odd for me to just start the story like that.

I had a job interview at the Daily Bugle today. I got the job, but Jameson put me on a special task to work with Peter Parker to write articles whenever he takes pics of Spidey in action. And now we're headed to Domino's for a lunch break.

Scott: So, how does it feel to live in a city full of superheroes?

Peter: Cool, I guess. Apart from the fact that NYC has always been in chaotic state after a battle. Alien invasions, giant lizards in the city, a man made out of electricity, and weird men on hoverboards and pumpkin bombs? Yeah! Best place on Earth.

Scott: Wow! And I thought San Francisco was worse. How do you cope with all of that?

Peter: You learn how to survive.

Scott: Cool!

* Peter Parker's phone rings playing Spider-Man's theme song* takes out phone from pocket*

Peter: Hello?* May yelling over phone* Aunt May? *continuous yelling over phone* No I said I'd be back at 8:30! *continuous yelling over phone* No, I did not say I'm gonna help John mow the lawn. * continuous yelling over phone* I got work to do. * May, he's our neighbor. There's plenty of teenagers who need money. *continuous yelling over phone* Let them help him and he''ll pay them. *continuous yelling over phone* May, you're getting old. I'll see you at 8:30. Bye.

Scott: Who was that?

Peter: My aunt. Don't worry about her. Come on, Domino's is just across the street.* puts phone back in pocket*

Scott: You like Spider-Man, uh?

Peter: Uh?

Scott: You like Spider-Man?

Peter:* does nervously scratches head* I don't understand the question?

Scott: The question is that..

Peter: Do I like Spider-Man?

Scott: Do you like Spider-Ma..

Peter: Why would you think that? No, I don't! And if I did, he wouldn't like me too. A weird, nerdy, socially awkward guy like me? No!!

Scott: But you have his theme song for a ringtone.

Peter: Came with the phone.

Scott:* stares intensively at Peter*

Peter: * stares nervously at Scott*



Scott: You're weird. But I like you.

Peter: Don't you think we should cross the street and go eat now, cuase I'm hungry.

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