24. Maer Ragnvalsson

Start from the beginning

"I got... drugged?" he asked as if to make sure that he was right.

"Yeah, you did." I responded.

"I think I might just-"

"You can't just go, we have to go back to where the party was last night because when Zeke went to check on Xav he left his car there... you might have had some bullshit happen to you but he's worse. After we get Zeke's car we're going to the hospital." I stated, slightly lying about him not going. I wanted to keep an eye on him since he was severely hung over, he was drugged last night and he just found out that one of his friends is in the hospital.

"What happened?" Ash asked, pain seeming to evaporate from his mind as he heard that Xav was in trouble.

"Well last night Xav was in a shit place, Zeke told me that they fell off the roof. Zeke landed in the pool but apparently Xav wasn't so lucky, and now he's unconscious in hospital." I answered, briefly wondering how they got on the roof in the first place.

"Holy shit. Okay, well when do we leave?" he asked me next.

"I was waiting until you woke up, but we can wait a little longer until you feel alri-"

"I'm fine, let's go." He stated, standing up quickly, but his face contorted in pain and he grabbed his head in pain before I forced him to sit down again.

"We're not going anywhere, not until you're actually okay to go." I instructed, worry clear in my tone.

"Well I'm okay-"

"Don't be a dipshit. You're not okay, you're majorly hung over and you were drugged last night. We'll get you hydrated and get you to eat some food, then I might think about letting you move." I stated, trying to talk some sense into him.

"Then what the hell am I supposed to do until then? What about Xavier?" He groaned.

"Finish that cup of water, I'll get you some food and then you can lay down and rest for a little while. Xav's currently unconscious and there is nothing we could do to help at the moment anyway" I told him, waiting until he nodded reluctantly. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute... is there anything you want? Specifically? Foodwise?"

"Uh... I'll eat anything really." He responded.

"Alright." I responded walking slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen. I needed to get two bowls, some delicious oats, honey, yoghurt and fruit. He needed something nutrition filled and that would do it. A couple minutes later I had everything in two bowls, one for him and one for me since I haven't had breakfast either, with a spoon each and two small bottles of orange juice to accompany it tucked under my arms. I carried everything upstairs with extreme skill, letting him take a bowl and a bottle of juice.

"This is... nutritious." He said, sounding kind of judgemental of the breakfast.

"That's the point, now eat." I instructed, sitting on the end of my bed and opening my laptop so I could pick a movie or TV show to watch to break the awkward silence.

"What if I don't w-"

"You said you'd eat anything." I cut him off, looking him in the eye and practically waiting for a response. He took a deep breath and nodded before he took a spoonful and ate it, looking pleasantly surprised at the taste. "Oh, does that taste alright?" I asked rhetorically.

"Unexpectedly." He responded, quickly devouring the bowl before I had even picked a movie. He kept looking at my bowl, which I had eaten only half of. I looked at him, before I looked back at my bowl while sighing. I held the bowl out for him to take, which he did gratefully.

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