Chapter 39

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Two weeks.

Layla POV:

I sighed loudly. "I'm so hungry!" I whinnied leaning on Loki and putting my feet on Thor's lap. "Are all women like this when with child?" Thor asked groaning. "Some are worse." I replied. Thor looked at me with pure fear. " W-What..?" Thor said slightly above a whisper.

I couldn't help but laugh at Thor's face. Loki was was shaking his head. "I grantee, Jane will be worse" Loki said making Thor gasp a little. I laughed harder.

"Is everything well? I can hear Layla's laughter in my chamber!" Fandral said leaning over to look at me."Fandral, is it true most pregnant women are act worse than Layla?" Thor asked. Fandral shrugged. "Some do, but you can't blame them. Imagine having something grow inside you for nine months making you gain weight and eat more. " Fandral said. Thor looked like he was about throw up. Thor got up and left the room quickly.

I kept laughing. "Have you seen Hougun lately? I haven't seen him, he's been locked up in his room." Fandral said taking a seat. "I haven't seen him at all." I said.

Erik walking to the room with a puzzled look on his face. "Hey Erik, how's it going? Get a girlfriend yet?" I asked making him lose his train of thought. " I sadly don't have a girlfriend." Loki said. "Have you heard from Hougun's maid, Alla? Anna?" Fandral said. "It's Anna." Erik said.

"So, have you seen her?" Fandral asked. "I last saw her running into Hougun's room holding something close to her chest." Erik said pacing. "I will knock on Hougun's door." Fandral said getting up. "Okay if he says anything, tell me." I said while Fandral walked out the room. I sighed loudly and Loki jerked. I almost fell of his lap. "Loki are you okay?" I asked looking at him. He seemed paler and had light bags under his eyes. "I'm fine, I just haven't slept in a few days." Loki said rubbing his eyes. " You should get some sleep." I sat up.

"I know, I just don't want to leave you alone." Loki said. "Don't worry, I stay inside the palace and I won't talk to strangers in dark hallways." I said like a kid. Loki kissed my forehead. "Fine, if anything happens wake me up." Loki said getting up and walking out of the room. I looked around and noticed I was the only person in this room.

I sighed and got my phone out of bra.These dresses need pockets. Asgard has the best cell phone reception i've seen in my life. I played a My singing monsters a little. Loki thing my singing monsters is absolutely irritating. I love the app. I played the app for a while and eventually I stopped.It was hard getting off the couch. I had to sway side to side and rock back and fourth just to stand.

"Only a few more days till due!" Sif yelled from the hallway running to me and giving me a tight hug. "I'm excited." I said quietly. "Were's you bodyguard husband? He's usually hard get away from." Sif asked. "He's sleeping." I said. I noticed Sif was a little bit taller than usual. She was wearing high heels.

You wear high heels?" I asked dumbly. " I told you all women of Asgard must learn how to walk in high heels." Sif said letting me go. "What's the special occasion?" I asked. " Nothing. I just felt like I should were them." Sif said.

Fandral came back with Hougun looking very pissed. "Guess what Hougun's little secret is!" Fandral said nudging Hougun. "Secret? That's not his real hair." I said making Hougun look at me as if he waanted to punch me. "No, he's to be a father!" Fandral said.

"Wow, Hougun is to be a father and your not? After all the women you sleep with? Somethings very wrong with that picture." Sif said shaking her head. Fandral shrugged "I'm probably already the father of many children and don't know it." Frandral said. "Most likely." sif said nodding. "So, who's the lady? I would love to talk to her, seriously. She's the only person that knows what I'm going through." I said stepping closer to Hougun. "She will not come out of my chamber." Hougon said. "Then take me to your chamber so I can see her." I said a little loud making Fandral jump. "I suggest, you take her. Who knows what the wife of the god of Mischief can do." Sif whispered. "She can be really loud." Fandral murmured.

Hougun started waking away and I followed him."Anna is shy around people she never met." Hougun said turning a corner. " Anna. Is Anna mute by any chance?" I asked thinking of Destiny. "Yes, she is. Do you happen to know her?" Hougun asked still waking. "No.Just a question." I said.

Hougun stopped in front of a door and opened it slowly. Hougun motioned me to follow. I walked in slowly to the window lit room. Hougun closed the door. "Anna, I want you to met a good friend." Hougun said walking around. I clap came from a corner which made me jump. Hougun helped her up off the ground and brought her into the light. She wasn't very big at all, she looked like to be one month pregnant. "Hi, I'm Layla. I'm Loki Laufeyson's wife." I held my hand out and she stepped away. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. Hougun, how many months is she?" I asked. "She's nine months, she's due tomorrow." Hougun said. I gave Hougun a questionable look. "But, she's looks one month." I said. "I know." Hougun said.

I didn't say anything. Anna stepped forward and waved. "Hi. So, what are you planning to name her?" I asked. "Destiny." Hougun said. "That's a great name!" I said while pieces were being put together in my head. "So, how come you won't come out of the room?" Anna started doing sign language. "Uh.. I don't know sign." I said looking at Hougun. "She's afraid." Hougun said. "Of what?" I asked. "Malekith. She think's he's playing all of us waiting his chance to attack. " Hougun explained. "Malekith. I think i'm going to have to talk to him now." I said aloud to myself. "There's nothing to be afraid of. You don't really even look pregnant." I said trying to cheer her up.

Anna looked a her small stomach then back up at me with a barely visible smile. Hougun opened the door and Anna and I walked out. Sif was leaning against the wall.

"So, this is Anna. Hougun's secret love. I'm Sif as you already may know." Sif held out her hand. Anna hid behind Hougun. "Is she scared of me." Sif asked dumbfounded. "No, she's shy." Hougun said.

"No need to be shy. You should be shy of Thor, with his loud voice." Sif said making Anna get teary eyed. "Stop Sif." Hougun said making me jump. "Don't worry Hougun, just a jest." Sif said.

We walked around a little and Anna was shying at every sound. "Hougun, Anna is like a little mouse. She moves very quickly." Sif said. Hougun looked emotionless at Sif.

"Hougun! How have you been? Who is that behind you?" Thor said making Anna jump and hide her face in Hougun. "This is Anna." Hougun said. Thor looked at Anna. " Hello Anna.l Thor held his hand out. Anna started crying. Thor looked like he just kicked a puppy. "Don't cry Anna I am not a villain!" Thor said. Anna cried more.

"Thor, she's afraid in your voice. Stop taking." I said face palming. Thor looked at me heart broken. "She is like this around Loki too." Hougun said. I looked at Anna with a 'Really?' face. " Loki is better than Thor though. No offence Thor." I said. "A lot taken." Thor said making Anna cry more.

I noticed we were outside my chamber. "How about I bring Loki out to prove his not anything to be afraid off." I said opening the door slowly. Everyone nodded in agreement except for Anna, she was crying her eyes out in fear.

Loki was asleep snoring softly. He looked so cute. I walked over to him and shock him slightly. "Hm?" " I need you to prove to Anna your not scary." I said taking the cover off Loki. " Who is Anna?" Loki asked opening his eyes and yawning. "She's Destiny's mom, Lagrim's soon going to have a crush on her." I said. "What if, your future prediction was wrong, what if Alfey fell for her." Loki said getting up.

I didn't answer or move. "You didn't think about that did you?" Loki asked getting dressed. I shook my head slowly. "No. I didn't." I said slightly above a whisper. " If that dose happen, I will say, I told you so." Loki kissing the tip of my nose quickly.

I opened the door and everyone was still there. Anna was staring at Loki. Her skin turned pale. "Loki, that's Anna, behind Hougun." I said pointing. Anna held on to Hougun till her nails started making him bleed. Loki held out his hand. "It's nice to met you Anna, I am not "scary". But I am when I lose my temper." Loki said smiling showing all his teeth. Anna stared at Loki as if she was in a trance. Loki waved his hand in front of her face. She didn't even blink. "Loki, you scared her so much she froze." I said crossing my arms.

" I didn't mean to terrify her this much." Loki said shrugging. Hougun pried her nails out of both of his shoulders. Anna was wet with water on her legs.


Story is coming close to end.(Close=Not close at all..) I might make sequel so this book isnt SUPER long. What do you think?

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