Here they are

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By the way: I'm using They Them pronouns for you in the story cause I don't know your gender so yeah if you use she her then read they them as she her and if you use he him then do the same thing.

Narrators POV


Th monsters are arriving at the school!

"BITCH HOOOOOOOOO!!! FINALLY, INTERESTING THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN OUR BORING ASS SCHOOL!" Mei shouted as her girlfriend, Jung Ah, seemed unhappy about the loud, excited shouting. "Can we please stop screaming? My headache isn't doing gooder..." She said. "Its 'isn't doing good.'-" You corrected. "Ah thank you for correcting me. English is not my first language." Jung said. "Awwwh! My korean babbu is apologizing for being adorable and forgetting english!" Mei wouldn't stop teasing her girlfriend about it. Sometimes I felt bad for Jung... They are total oppisites. Mei likes to swear and be loud meanwhile Jung likes to be quiet and ladylike. However, they are a great couple and are great together! You also get kinda jealous, wanting a relationship like that! And to be honest, you wrote little fanfics of them even before they were together.

You need to stop doing that.

There, from the corner of your eye. a single smol skeleton walking towards the campus confused. He wasn't the only one confused, mei was too. "Isn't there suppost to be 2 skeletons?" She whisperd as she finally clinged off Jung's arm. We stared each other for a while, admiring his aestheticly pleasing style wich was not very pretty, it just looked very comfortable!

After afew minutes, we all made eye contact with the skeleton. It was just a stare. I didn't even realise that he was staring right back at us until he smiled at me. "Well, should we say hi?" Jung said. "Sure why not?" Joseph said. You made a signal to the skeleman to see if it was ok to go see him. You assume he is a he, you never know till you ask. So, with the permission, we went over and socialised a little bit cause why not?

"So where is the other one? Isn't there suppost to be 2 skeletons coming on campus?" Mei said. "Nah. My brother's still in "high school"." The skeleman said. For some reason, I have had these strange vibes from this guy. I dunno what's making me get these vibes... I don't want to feel uncomfortable but I can't help but feel that way!

Sans's POV
Jesus Y/N was a pretty person. They were such an eye candy to look at. The vibes they had are very pleasant! I can't help but to have some kind of feeling for y/n. Their nice face, I assume their hair is soft and smells good, their fashion was on point and etc. "I want that. I need that. That cinnamon roll needs to be mine!" I thought to myself as the other would try to become friends with me. No. My only goal is Y/N... Others seemed to be interested in them. Except for that mei person and jung person. No no no no no no no, the others would make y/n laugh quite alot. "I want that." I thought again. No matter what it would take, it will happen.

Me, Y/N and nobody else...

Oh whoops it took a while

Also guys wtf 102 reads people clicked on this book? Thats great!

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