"Where is Spruceclaw?" Sparkfur demanded from Waspclaw's side. The she-cat bared her teeth.

"He's not to be disturbed, he's with the Lady."

Waspclaw glanced over at Sparkfur uneasily. The Lady? What's a 'Lady.' Or should I be asking who is the Lady?

"What do he want from the clans?" Sparkfur said suddenly, looking to Waspclaw. The she-cat bared her teeth and struck Waspclaw in the face. The white cat darted away as soon as his grip loosened, running in the direction that they came from. Waspclaw pinned his ears back, his fe on end, but turned. I thought he was going to tear into her... She shivered, and she wasn't sure if it was because of the lead-bare winds, or if it was something else.

"I wonder who the Lady is." Waspclaw murmured, his fur flattening. He turned, picking up Spruceclaw's scent trail once again.

        "Me too.. He didn't mention a 'lady," whatever that is, when we met." Sparkfur thought aloud quietly. The snow covered foliage had started to get denser, but nowhere near as tangly and overwhelming as DrizzleClan's territory. The trees were thin and tall, a poor excuse for the thick trees that the warriors called home.

      Waspclaw flicked his ears, hunkering down, swishing his tail for Sparkfur to follow suit. She didn't understand why they were trying to blend in, they stood out like blood on white fur.

      She tipped her head slightly to the side as she heard quiet murmuring. She crept past Waspclaw, peeking through blanketed, sparce bushes that encircled a clearing with a large tom. Spruceclaw. He was just a big as she remembered, thick and dusky brown tabby fur rippling under a starving frame. The rogue territory never had nearly enough prey to feed every cat, most food was taken from two-legs... that must be why he's led his cats to the forest. Not just to get rid of DrizzleClan, but to use our territory as their own! He was pacing at the top of a small dip in the ground, a large rock sheltering it and whoever was inside.

      "What's happening?" Waspclaw whispered, moving next to her. Under the cover of the bush, the howling wind wasn't biting at her fur and nipping at her sensitive ears quite as much, which she was grateful for. She flicked her ear, not quite knowing just yet.

      "Lady, you have to stay here!" Spruceclaw was growling.

      "I'm not expecting kits, for the last time!" A she-cat growled. Sparkfur couldn't see the cat, but she found the words most perplexing. The Lady is a she-cat.

      "I'm not arguing about this with you now-- I need to go into battle. I have cats to lead!" He turned, and the golden tabby's fur rose sharply. She swore he was looking right at them. But his eyes seemed to glance right over them.

      "Please, Spruce!" the Lady cried out. A growl rumbled in Waspclaw's throat and he stepped out of the shelter of the bush, snow shaking down and covering Sparkfur's pelt. Spruceclaw's eyes narrowed in surprise, fur fluffing up.

      "Wasppaw!" He purred, malice lacing his voice. Sparkfur crept out after him, trying not to put weight on her hind leg while also trying not to look as injured as she was. "...and Sparkfur." Something harsh, something she couldn't identify, was all she could hear now.

      "It's Waspclaw."

      "Not in my opinion. You haven't earned that name yet, not for me." Spruceclaw was just as big as Waspclaw, and Sparkfur stood as her full height to try to compete in size. She was nowhere close.

      "I guess I'll just have to prove it to you!" Waspclaw growled, unsheathing his claws. Spruceclaw scoffed, waving his thin tail.

      "Alright. We'll get into the whole battle thing later, I've got a kit to talk to," he completely changed his attention from the DrizzleClan deputy to Sparkfur. "Amazing-- maybe you are worth something!" Waspclaw glanced over at Sparkfur to see her reaction. Cold, icy stair, fur flat and buffeted by the wind.

      "Of course I am, I know my worth. What you think of me.. It's completely irrelevant." She narrowed her green eyes. Waspclaw's chest fur ruffled, baffled.

      "My, what a sharp tongue you have. We've already been over this sort of thing, though, right? How disrespectful you are to me?" He took a step to circle Sparkfur, but Waspclaw took a step forward.

"You don't get to talk to my clanmates! You aren't one of us!" Waspclaw hissed.

"Ack. Touchy." Spruceclaw glanced over at Waspclaw with emerald eyes. "I guess it's my fault, I didn't stick around long enough to teach you about bad manners." Sparkfur remembered back when Waspclaw had jumped at Frostheart just for not speaking to Mintstar, she was surprised how composed he was keeping himself now.

"Spruce, what's going on?" the Lady called out. Spruceclaw's face brightened.

"Sparkfur! I.. I want to show you something." Waspclaw glanced over at his clanmate, who looked just as confused. The long-legged warrior tipped her head up.

"What is it?" She demanded. Spruceclaw turned, trotting over to the dip in the ground sheltered under the shade of the rock. He waved his tail.

      "Come.. Meet the Lady." He purred. Sparkfur narrowed her eyes slightly. Curiosity tugged at her fur, the want to learn making her move her paws. She heard the crunch of snow as Waspclaw followed close behind her.

      The golden tabby stepped to the top of the dip to look down, her eyes growing wide. A she-cat was staring expectantly up to Spruceclaw, before her warm amber eyes shifted to the warriors. She had a smooth dark pelt with patches and flecks of gingery red.

      "W-What?! That's not possible!" Sparkfur gasped. "Cherryflower?!"



Thank you guys so much!!! I've come so far since when I started Spark. I JUST went through my entire activity tab and found the exact date I posted the prologue, which was September 12, 2015. So just over six months. This is really exciting.

Also I absolutelyz love writing Spruceclaw. He's such an unpredictable character I don't even know what he's going to say until I write it.

I did the white cat REALLY wrong in the art, I'm just now realizing how I could have made it right so don't judge lol I'm still learning xp

Longer chapter than usual :-OOOO

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