Chapter 19

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Welcome back!! And just to let you know this chapter will involve Niam so yeah!!!

( Harry's POV)

"LIAM!!!!!!! Niall screached quickly running over to Liam forgetting what happened seconds prior. Niall wrapped his arms around Liam protectivly holding him close to his chest . Louis cooed beside me making me smile slightly. He's too adorable.

"Li, Li don't go" Niall whimpered. My heart felt heavy seeing the blonde haired boy rocky sniffiling.

Liam groaned slowly opening his eyes. Louis and I both shared a relieved sigh as we were met with chocholate brown eyes instead of white ones before.

" Li, Li, don't leave me again" Niall sniffled burying his head into the crook of Liam's neck after Liam had sat up. Liam smiled slowly petting Nialls head.

"Don't worry Nialler you can't get rid of me so easily" Liam said staring fondly at the boy he now held in his arms.

" Better not, Payne"

" Alright Horan"

"Liam mate, what the hell was that?" Louis asked, his body now dangerously close to me.

"I don't know, I just found out I was an oracle, so I don't understand"

"I understand" I suddenly spoke out of nowhere causing heads to quickly whip in my direction.

" Well Styles, you better tell me now, because I don't care if I go back to hell because someone wouldn't tell me a very important detail that could save my man" Niall snapped looking me straight in the eye.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Liam blush, and mouth the words "my man" to himself.

" So I don't end up having to fight a leprechaun I'll tell you. Liam remember when you first had that happen to you?"

" Oh I remember, it felt almost like I was floating on air"

" Well Liam you had just found out that you were an oracle, so maybe it was just a little burst of the prophecy."

" Prophecy?" Niall questioned staring at me with confusion etched into his features like marble.

" Supposingly that one of heavens greatest tortures could be stopped by love, unfortunately that prophecy is so old , some just gave up on it over time"

" So I'm all good?"

"Yes Liam, unless you start shooting out rainbows from random places than I'm pretty sure you are fine." Liam sighed from relief before turning his attention to Niall.

(Liam's pov)

" So baby, are you satisfied now"

" Liam sweetie unless I can find a way to make sure you never get hurt again, or worse than I will never be satisfied. Heck I would ducktape you to a chair if it would mean I could keep you safe."
Niall said not once breaking eye contact with me. His blue eyes like ice pools that I couldn't escape, not that I was complaining though.

"Niall you leprechaun I love you."

" Love you too, my little puppy."

" Hey I thought I was your Li Li."

" You are but when ever you get sad, or want something ,you give me puppy dog eyes, and its freaking adorable"

"Niall" I smirked

"What Liam" I looked up flashing my famous puppy dog eyes at him.

" Can I have a kiss?"

" Liam I can never say no can I?"

I smiled "Nope" before bumping our noses together.

" Hey where's Louis and Harry?"

"Probably doing the dirty" Niall remarked making me slightly hit him.

" You can't say that!"

"Okay Liam you tell me where they are Mr., I have such an innocent mind that I don't want it to be corruppted into a million pieces"

" I don't know? Should we find them?"

"Give them a couple minutes, they have been through a lot"


"Love you Li Li"

" Love you Nialler

(Unknown's Pov)

"How long till we can move in boss?" I looked over to P. Smiling wickedly.

" Soon my love, and after were done, people will have forgotten all about the prophecy." I smirked.

" How? Its been around for centuries!"

"Easy break apart the two that will help fulfill it out ,and move from there"

" Who are the two?"

"Harry and Louis of course"

"How can that be"

"Well P. it seems are little Harold has fallen for the enemy so now we must break them apart"

"And if the don't break apart?"

I turned to face my partner grinning wickedly.

" If the don't we'll just have to kill them"

Sorry this is late!!! But I hope you have a wonderful Easter and there will be a double update( reason why this is late)
Because I am going to New York!!!!!


Reaching out larry( continued) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat