Chapter 18

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Guess who's back, back again! Hello my lovelies, did I mention I love you all? Well I do! And for a thank you, heres the next chapter;-)

(Omg Louis' Pov!!)

I sat there in shock. Harry killed his family? Why?

" I'm a monster" Harry croaked out. My eyes widened. How could anyone say that about themselves? Sure he did kill millions and millions of people, not to mention his whole family, but is it wrong that I feel sympathy for him.

Louis don't be foolish! After all he has done! How could you even think to like him? Let alone stand being next to him.

I shook my head. I know it's wrong but I can't but fall for him even more.

Says the guy that ran out when he found out someone was the soul keeper; but no Louis. Why don't you fall in love with every guy who has killed more than a million people.That's a great idea!

Alright maybe my subconciousness needs to shut up sometimes.

" You are not a monster Harry" I said wrapping my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.

" Tell that to all the peoples lives I've ruined. Hell Louis! I got kicked out of heaven for Gods sake" I couldn't deny it. He had a point. But everyone has a little good in them right?

" Harry look at me" I replied putting my fingers under his chin, forcing his eyes to meet mine.

" Its true you were bad, no evil, in the past, but it doesn't mean you have to live in the past also. You have to look to the future to truly understand your fate" Never once during my little speech did I break eye contact with him.

" Louis how do I stop living in the past, if I seem to be destined for it"I chuckled.

" Harry even you should know this by now, that life is a funny thing. It can change. One moment you're at the top of the world, the next your caught in a dump. You think you have it figured out? Boom! Now you're unsure. The thing is life changes, you can too"

Harry smiled at me. Like a genuine smile. White teeth and everything, somebody help I might faint.

(Millions of fangirls: Don't worry, we'll catch you!)

"Thank you Louis" Harrys deep voice came out in an almost soothing rumble. A solem look crossed his features. " just don't fall for me" What!?!

" Why?"

" Because it would be deadly, Louis even you know that!" Harry snapped.

" Well then Styles if its so deadly, consider me poisoned." I shot Harry a pointed look. Seriously he can be a complete idiot sometimes.

(Harry's pov)

" Lou, I don't want to hurt you, and if that means not being close to you, that's fine, though it kills me" Louis eyes held pain, and I could only mine reflected the same feeling. Why do I hurt everyone I love?

We stayed quite for a few minutes. The silence was extremely painful. Finally Louis turned to me. His ocean blue orbs shining as the sunlight cascaded off of them.

" Harry, I will always stick by your side. Even if you hurt me I will learn to just jump back and brush myself off. I think I fell for you to be honest, though I know "don't fall for me" but i already have. We will make it both out alive in the end, so why don't we move past the first chapters."

" Thank you Louis, but I will need help to change, I have developed bad habits over the years you know"

" Oh really , have you now? May I ask why?" Damn Lou why did you have to ask that?!

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