Chapter 15

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Did I mention Wattpad ruins lives? Well it does I had a 2,000 word chapter planned untill Wattpad said no no no and deleted it. Thank you. Anywho thank you all for the support love you all! ;-)

Demon Harry on the side}}

(Louis pov)

Marcel and I shared a smile before I diverted my attention back to the teacher. Why is he an angel in everything he does. His flawless hair that is soft to the touch and always styled in that jelled up quiff. His dimples poke out when he laughs. And his chocholate eyes sparkle and crinkle at the sides when hes over joyed standing out from the thick framed glasses. Stop it Louis! Angels can't fall in love!

The though saddened me but it was for the best. He would freak out and probably never trust me again. I couldn't stand if that ever happened. It would destroy me.

"Ugh!..." Marcel groaned clutching his head in agony.

"Marce, you okay?" A frown was etched into my features.

"M ' fine" He collasped slinking out from his desk. A non prominent shriek was emitted by me as I picked up his body. His head dangling from the side.

"No, no no!" I yelled running from the classroom his figure in my arms. Classmates scurried from the room emptying into the hallway. A chorus of ' What's going on?" "What happened" murmered slightly. But at the moment all I could think of was the boy grasped tightly in my arms.

Mrs. Reuter gasped when I ran into her office.
"Quick sweetie lay him on the bed" she instructed me quickly. Without hesitation I sprawled his body across the bed, his glasses slipping from their perch on his nose.

Ms Reuter rummaged threw the mess in her desk pulling out instruments used for these situations. My breath hiched when she padded across his chest looking for a heartbeat. She took a breath of relief when she found it, so did I .

"Louis did you see what happened?"she questioned

"No he just slumped in his chair all of a sudden" my voice cracking at the end of the statement.

" Well he seems to have overheated I'll need to remove some articles of clothing. That okay with you?"

" Do what you have to do" I nervously laughed.

She removed his shirt and I gasped at what I saw. Tattoos scattered his body. The one that drew me in was the single sparrow on the right side of his chest. However there seemed to be a extra space on the other side for the same tattoo only smaller. It was quite cute.

" Is Marcel here?" A familiar Irish accent projected from the door. Nate stood at the doorway his chest heaving rapidly as he took in sharp shallow breaths.

" You're just in time Nate" I chuckled before returning my gaze to Marcel.

" Is he awake? " Nate questioned staring over my shoulder.

I sighed " Unfortunelty no, I don't know when he'll wake up." I frowned looking down at the floor.

" Actually boys he should wake up in about ten minutes, give or take" Ms. Reuter smiled at us.

"Say Nate, have you seen where Liam is ?"

" Afraid not. He should come though, that crowd attracted people like moths" he chuckled. I frowned; it was a huge group of people now that he mentiones it.

" Well he should get his bum over here right now, or I'll have to have a serious talk with him." I put my hands on my hips scowling from the though he may not appear. Niall broke into hysterics, laughing so hard he was crying. I started laughing too. What his laughter is contagious.

" Whoa! You two on drugs or something?" A very pale Liam said leaning against the door frame.

" I was just about to ask the same thing; where have you been?!?"( sassy louis lol)

" Sorry the crowd in the hallway would not let me threw, plus I may have gotten lost coming here" I raised an eyebrow at him. Okay whatever you say Liam.

" Boys be seems to be waking up; Louis my dear would you like doing a prank with me." She smiled evily. Uh oh what is she getting me into this time?

"Sure" I said unsteadily not liking where this was going.

" Okay so when Harry wakes up poor this water over his head; he'll love it, I promise" she smirked.

I shrugged, "Tell me when"

" Three... Two... One!" She yelled and I dumped the bucket of water on his head.

" AHH!! " Marcel screamed. Nate, Liam, Ms Reuter, and I howled with laughter.Water smeared his glasses.

" You should have seen your face!" Nate laughed clutching his chest.

"Haha very funny" Marcel replied heading into the bathroom.

After we had calmed down we waited for Marcel to finish cleaning up.

" Did you see his face though?" I smiled at Liam who still seemed to be tickled pink.

" HIS REACTION WAS PRICELESS!" Nate shouted not realizing how loud he was being.

" Who's reaction was priceless?" I turned my head to the bathroom entrance expecting to see Marcel. But I didn't .

A tall man with large shoulders appeared in his place. His curly hair was tossed to the side. Vibrant green eyes shone from behind thick framed glasses. His accent was thick and deep. Who was this man?"

"Lou?" He asked but I had already ran out of the office. I shoved past the metal doors being met with thick cloudy skies. I felt a drop of rain hit my face. Great, rain.

I ran down the street not bothering to look back at the school.

" Lou!" The same voice called out but I had already left far from the school now. Why God? Why!?!

I sniffles as the rain came down in buckets drenching me in a layer of water. I bit my bottom lip holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

Why did Marcel have to be the soul keeper? Why!? Was he just waiting to break me, because he did it. How do I know he is even my friend. Why did I have to fall in love with him Damn it!

Is his name even Marcel? Do I truly love him?

Poor Louis you shouldn't doubt him he loves you.

Oh well happy thanksgiving though I'm pretty sure you all hate me now. But remember its not the end!

Love you and I'll see you next week.

9reads and 3 votes for next chappie ;-)

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