Trip to the big 'H'

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Chapter Five- Trip to the big 'H'-

~Niall's pov~

"C'mon Alex." She said, as she grabbed his hand and ran up the stairs. "So what do you think of her?" I heard Harry say. "Well, what do I say. She's my little sister." I said, sitting on the couch. "Do you think that she's telling the truth about the whole 'seeing spirits' thing?" Louis asked. "Yes, she is telling the truth. She has seen these things since she was 5." Wait, did he just say 5!! "Wait, wasn't that the age that Niall was when she went missing?" "Yup." "Oh my god." I said as I got this sharp pain in the back of my head. I felt like passing out. "Niall. You okay dude?" I heard Liam ask. I heard someone scream upstairs. "Did you guys just here that?" "No." They all said at once. "Where did it come from, and what was it?" Austin asked. "It was like a kinda girly scream, and from upstairs." "SHIT!!" he yelled. He got up and darted up the stairs. "Wait, Austin! What's the-" was all I said before darkness took over me.

~Austin's pov~

"Did you guys just here that?" Niall said as he turned his head towards the stairs. "No" everyone said at the same time. "Where did it come from, and what was it?" I asked. "It was like a kinda girly scream, and from upstairs." "SHIT!!" I yelled. I got up and darted up the stairs. I heard someone yelling after me, but I was too focused. Kiki was in trouble. She only yelled like that when something was happening. I ran into Liam's room. "Alex, what happened?" "I don't know. She was just walking around, then she just fell on the floor. I caught her before she hit it though." "Do you know where her safe haven is for this house?" I asked. Whenever something like this happened, she would have a 'safe haven' where we would bring her to calm down, and everything. "No, I don't think that we were here long enough for her to make one." he said. "Damit. There's only one safe haven that never changes." "No, she would kill us." "Kill us or her?" "Fine." he said picking her up and walking down the stairs. "Hey guys, wait what happened to Niall?" I asked as soon as I walked in the living-room. "He passed out right after you ran upstairs. What happened to her?" Liam asked. I can see now why he's know as 'Daddy Direction'. "She passed out because of something in Liam's room." I said, picking up the phone. I called the local hospital. "What did they say?" Alex asked. "A few minutes."

~A few minutes later~

"What happened to her?" One of paramedics said. "Um. Well she's physic. And she was doing a run thru of the house to get used to it. And she went into one of the rooms and she passed out. When we got down stairs, her older brother passed out too." I explained. "Does he have the same abilities as her?" they asked. "No, at least I don't think so." "Okay. Thanks for that Austin." "Welcome." I said, as she turned around to go in the ambulance with Kiki in it. "Okay, Austin, Alex, what the HELL was that about?!" Liam more or less yelled at us, once the paramedics and everybody was out. "He must have picked up on her passing out because they are siblings after all." Alex said. "But still, that CAN'T be good for him." I can see why they call him 'Daddy Direction' now. "Okay, look Liam. I don't know what happened. That has never happened before. Well she has passed out because of things like that, but never another person. Soooo. I don't know what will happen to him." I said as calmly as I could. "WAIT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THIS 'HAPPENED' BEFORE WITH HER PASSING OUT BECAUSE OF 'THINGS' LIKE THAT!?!?!?!!" he yelled at me. Danny had to take his hand to get him to sit down. "There's something bad in your room Liam, that she picked up on. There are somethings that intend to do harm, others not so much. There is also something in Niall's room, but that spirit doesn't mean to do harm if it does. So, when she walked into your room, she went to the one spot that she feels it has been the most-" I started to explain, but was rudely interrupted. "AND WHERE IS THAT!?!" Liam still yelled at me, but it's getting better. "Right next to the side of your bed that's closer to the door. That's where she passed out." Alex finished for me. I heard Danny gasp. "L-liam, that's the side of the bed that I sleep on when I come over." I heard her say. "What happened in Niall's room?" Louis asked, holding on to El. "Harry do you remember how she walked right over to the window as soon as she walked in?" Alex asked. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" Harry said as he played with his hands. "That was where she sensed it the most." "But wait. How do you know that?" Zayn asked. "The first place that she always goes in a new room, that she has never been in before, she goes to the place that she feels that they have been the most. And when she does pass out like that, she usually has a 'safe haven'. That's a place where we put her so that she can wake up. But because she wasn't here long enough, she never chose one." I said, "Oh.. I get it now." Perrie said. "Well, lets go to the hospital and check up on them." Liam said. Yup, I still see the whole 'Daddy Direction' thing.

~Kiki POV~


Okay, what is that stupid beeping.







"Kiki, you okay?" I heard Austin say. I tried to open my eyes. Keyword : TRIED. "Don't open your eyes" he said, grabbing my hand. "The doctors to you not to, so that you can gain up your strength. Squeeze my hand if you understand." So, I squeeze his hand. I tried to speak, but again, keyword: tried. "They also don't want you talking. If you can sign." I squeezed his hand, then I pointed to my neck. "Neck.... Shit, your necklace! One second. I'm gonna call Alex to bring it." I squeezed his hand one last time before he took it out of my grip. I grabbed his hand again, so that he turned around. "What's that matter?" I signed the word 'boy'. "Wha?.... Oh your brother. He's fine. He passed out too." I signed the letter 'y'. "They don't know. They think that because your guys are siblings, So. Their still running tests on him." I signed the letter 'k' and let go of his hand. He walked o the other side of the room and called Alex. "Hey Alex............. Do you know where her necklace is...................No she doesn't have it on........... Check in Liam's room.......Okay, just bring it here.......Okay, Bye" He hung up the phone. "He's bringing it over as soon as he can.-" "HEY AUSTIN, IS SHE UP YET?!!?!?!?!!!!" Louis yelled as he walked in the room. "Yes she's up but she can't open her eyes or talk-" "SO THEN HOW IS SHE QUOTE UNQUOTE TALKING!!" "She knows sign language. So that's how shes 'talking'." he was answered with a whole bunch of 'oh's. I signed 'Yeah' "I'm here....!!" I heard Alex say, "Wid da necklace!" He said. I felt someone touching my neck then the necklace on it. "That's a pretty necklace. Why is she wearing it?" Louis said. I felt his hand go toward the necklace, but someone slapped it away. "Don't touch it. It helps her by taking away her 'powers'. So, unless you want to see things that normal people can't see, I wouldn't touch it." Austin said. "That is NOT true, Austin. And you know it." I said, sitting up. "Whatever. Dude's gotta learn when he can't and can touch things." He said, as I shook my head. "Austin. Don't" "Whatever." He said, walking out of the room. "I'm soooo sorry for him Louis. He gets into a mood when something bad happens to me." "It's ok Kiki." "Umm...... So, how's Niall??" "He's fine. They are going to let you out as soon as you wake up, so the doctor should be here soon. Him, they want to see why he passed out, so they're keeping him overnight." Liam said. "Okay." I said. We just fell into an awkward/tense silence, till the doctor walked in. "Hi Kiki. I see that you are up." "Yup" I said, popping the 'p'. "Alright. Let me just check everything to make sure that you are 'okay' to go home. Did they tell you about your brother?" he asked as he checked everything. Yup. Liam said that you guys are going to keep him overnight, just to see why he passed out." I said as he finished checking everything out. "Yup. Do you have clothes to change into?" "Yup, El is coming up the elevator now with clothes." Louis said, looking up from his phone. "Okay, once you get the clothes you can change and go if you want." "Okay." And with that he left. "Hey, hey, hey! I brought your clothes!!" El said as she walked in. "Okay, thanks El!! Can y'all get out now." I asked. I was answered with a bunch of 'ohhhh!!' and 'yess!!' as they walked out. I got up and got changed. She brought me a pair of black high waisted shorts, a black bando, a black flowy tank top, with the british flag on it. And a black pair of high tops. "Alright guys, lets go see my brother."

My Brothers Direction (Part 1) *UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION*Where stories live. Discover now