Chapter 10 (Road Trip)

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When I woke up and realized that we were in Kansas, I began to worry a little bit. I trusted Dalton, but I was just very confused.


"Oh you're awake."'

"Dalton. Where are we going?"

"If I told you that would ruin the surprise!"

After a long intense day of listening to music and eating burritos Dalton pulled over on the side of the rode and we slept. I didn't even care that we didn't have a hotel. There was something about not having any plans that was very relaxing.


 (the next morning)

It was a beautiful day already. The sun wasn't all the way up yet but it was still light outside. You know when the sky is like that light purple color? That's what it looked like. And to top it off I was on a stress free adventure with my Best Friend.

"You ready to start our adventure again girly?" Dalton asked me.

"Sure am! But can we find breakfast first?"

"Whatever you say."

I looked up the nearest IHOP on my phone and it said that there was one about 20 mins away. Dalton began driving, following the GPS. I called my mom and told her about all of our cool adventures so far. I still found it a bit odd that she didn't care how far away we were. She must have been really worried about my stress. Or maybe she just really likes Dalton.

"Oh yes I see the IHOP sign. I'm starving." I said pointing to the driveway to the restaurant.

"You and me both."

We parked, went inside, and got seated at a booth. It was empty. But I mean to be fair it was 7 in the morning. And we were in Kansas......

We ordered a stack of 5 chocolate chip pancakes and shared them. I found it amazing that he liked chocolate chip pancakes too. Whenever I would go with Alex he would always judge me and say that the blueberry are the best. Which I very much disagree with.

After we finished eating Dalton insisted on paying.

"Do you have to pay for everything?"

"Just trying to be a gentlemen."

When we were walking out I kid you not I heard the lady at the counter say to a waiter walking by. "What a cute couple." 

We are not even a couple. We are just friends. I love Alex. I know that this is all just some test the universe in sending me. I will continue to stay faithful to Alex. Mostly to prove to everyone that we can make it. And also because he is the love of my life.

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