Chapter 30

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Your POV

"Now, Miss Y/N, can you tell me what happened?"

I nodded. "I was playing and...I found him and I wanted to play with him...forever..." I giggled.

"You do know what happens to people who do that, right?"

I just giggled. "But it was so fun!! The look in his eyes! Priceless!!"

"You just can't do things like that. It's bad."

"I don't care! Zalgo will save me!!" I shouted.

"Who is Zalgo?"

"Zalgo is..."




I jumped awake. I panted and looked around. I was still in Zalgo's mansion. I looked to my side and saw Zalgo fast asleep in his human form. I sighed and got up. I went and got a shower. I walked out and saw Zalgo was gone from the bed. I got dressed and I headed downstairs. He was talking to a few servants and the cook. The cook and servants went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast.

Zalgo turned and saw me. He smiled. "Good morning, Y/N. Sleep well?"

I shrug. "It's questionable."

He chuckled. "I'm sure you'll sleep better tonight."

The servants came out and set the table. Then they left and came out with breakfast.

"I had them make your favorite."

I smiled. "Thank you for everything, but isn't this much for me?"

He chuckled. "Not for you my sweet. You deserve the best."

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He rested his hands on my waist. He kissed my lips lightly. "You better eat. We're going into town for a bit."

I tilted my head to the side. "What for?"

"We need to get you a few things." He said very cryptic.

"Oh...ok." I nodded and pulled back from him. I went to the table and sat down. I ate my fill and looked up at Zalgo...but he was gone...




"Y/N! Stop this nonsense!"

I struggled. "No!! Shut up! I need to find him!!"

"He's not coming for you! He left you and is not coming back!"

I broke free and started running. I then tripped and was held down.

"Sedate her!"




Every King Needs a Queen (Zalgo X reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt