Chapter 29

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Your POV

It's been almost 4 months since I decided to live with Zalgo in the UnderRealm. He was pleasant to stay with in his mansion, but he was always busy with work and such. I wanted to spend some time with him, but he was always saying, "Not now."

It was a week before my birthday and I had nothing to do. I sat upside down on a couch and stared blankly at the TV. I heard footsteps, but I didn't move.

"Y/N?" Zalgo looked in the room and saw me. "Why are you upside down?" He chuckled.

I looked over at him. "I'm going to be 17 in a week and you're too busy to spend time with me."

He walked over to where I was. "I never said I was too busy to work on your birthday. I was just finishing up some things that were important."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Again, you work too much to spend time with me." I frown.

He sighs. "How about we spend some-"

"Lord Zalgo." A business demon came up to Zalgo.

He looks at him. "What now?" He snapped a bit.

"Sir...the Rebel leader sent you a letter."

"What did it say?"

"You should surrender and give up your kingdom."

Zalgo laughed. "I'm guessing if I don't, they'll attack, yes?"


"Leave me now. Tell them that I will not surrender!" He laughed.

The demon turned and left.

Zalgo calmed down and looked at me.

I sat up and sigh. "See...too busy..."

He frowned. He sat down next to me. "Have I ever told you the Legend of the Oracle?"

I looked at him. "There's a legend?"

He nodded. "Yea. Well, it was a warm summer day. A young girl was playing in a field of wild flowers. She was from a long line of nobles. She never knew she was special until she met a young man. The young man was of another family, but was an orphan. He saw the young girl and decided to meet her. Over time, the man grew fond of the little girl. The girl was...uncomfortable around the man. She tried to run away, but the man grabbed her one day. He wanted her. She was 15 around this time. She tried to break his grip, but he wasn't letting go. Then, spikes burst from her back. She looked like she had a porcupine on her back. The spikes blinded the man, making him let her go. She ran. She became the very first Oracle."

I looked at him. "Spikes?"

"Yep. Each Oracle had an animal's main ability. Yours seems like some kind of bird." He laid back on the couch. "The witch was a crow."

"That's amazing."

He nodded. "Yea."

An other demon came in. "Sir, you have papers to do."

Zalgo waved him off.

"They're very important-"

"If you treasure your life, I suggest you leave. I'm busy." Zalgo growls.

The demon looked around. "With what."

Zalgo turned into his CP form. He stood up. Due to his height, Zalgo towered over the demon. "I'm trying to spend some quality time with the love of my life. Now...go."

The demon coward and left.

Zalgo changed back to his human form and walked over to the mini bar near the archway. He poured himself a drink. "Damn demons...don't know how to take no..." He muttered under his breath. he sipped his drink.

I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "'s ok. If you need to do some work, go ahead."

He looked down at me and shook his head. "'re going to have a birthday and I don't want you to spend it alone." He smiled.

I smiled. "Ok."

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