Chapter 25

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Your POV

I changed my name to The Angel of Death. Long name I know, but it's fitting. Around the Mansion, I still go by my actual name.

After the events at the school, the police put a bounty on our heads. We now only go into town if we really have to.

Zalgo visits me more often now that I'm a Creepypasta. He tells me stories of his adventures of his life, many involve mind manipulation. He told me his offer to leave still stands. I feel like I should, but I'm not sure. I don't know what will happen, so I chose to stay for now.

I was sitting in my room, reading the Somnia. I learned that I can summon any Creepypasta in the book, as long as the page is complete and the spell is shown. I tried it with Jeff. He was so confused on how he got outside.

I then heard a knock at my door. I got up and answered it.

"Can I speak with you?" Slender looked down at me.

I nodded.

"I believe Zalgo offered you to leave this Realm and stay with him in the UnderRealm, correct?"


"And that you're not sure if you should go?"

I nodded.

"What will happen if you go with him is that you will become his wife. He is a king, and every king needs a queen."

I looked at him, surprised. "Why does he need a wife?"

"He needs a wife to produce him an heir. He knows about you so well and that no other interests him. He may have human mistresses, but they die during pregnancy."

I shook my head. "Wait a minute, he has human mistresses?"

He nodded. "However, it seems that he likes you. He's a mysterious character, but he seemed to open up to you."

I looked down. "I don't know. I'm not ready to marry anyone. I'm only 16." I looked back up at him.

"I'm sure he will wait until you're ready. He may be a demon, but he is understanding."

I shook my head. "I...I don't know..."

"When he comes, tell him how you feel."

I nodded. "Ok...Thanks Slender."

He then turned and left.

I closed the door and sat on my bed. I ran my hand through my hair. "What will he say if I tell him? Will he force me to marry him?" I was lost in my thoughts until Zalgo's portal opens and he steps out.

He was in his human form. "Y/N...will you accept my offer?"

I looked at him. "Zalgo...I don't know."

"Last time I asked, you seemed curious to know why I kept asking. Now it seems you know why." He walked over to me. "Do you wish for truth?"

I was quiet, but I nodded. "Why do you want me to come with you?"

"I wish to spend eternity with you as my wife. I fell in love with you when you took me into town." He lifted my head up to look at him. "You're the perfect person I wish to see everyday...forever."

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