Chapter 16

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Your POV

I looked over at Fear. She was looking around, as if looking for something in particular.

"Um...Fear?" I spoke.

She looked at me. "Yes?"

"Where are we going?"

She looked straight ahead. "A mansion. A big one."

I nod. I look at the book in my hands. "What exactly is this? Lucy never told me the name."

"It's called the Libro Sequuntur Somnia, or Book of Nightmares. Somnia for short. Humans can't comprehend its power. With an exception of Lucy."

"Why did she say to not open it?"

Fear went silent. She sighs. "It can be used for evil if in the wrong hands."

"Ok, but why?"

She shook her head. "I'm not the one to answer that. You'll have to ask Him."

I looked up at her. "Who's him?"

"We're here." She stopped walking.

We stood at the edge of a clearing. A HUGE mansion sat in the field.

I looked at it in awe. "Whoa..."

"Come on. You have to meet everyone." She started to walk towards the house.

I followed behind her.

((Hello my fellow Archers!! And Merry Christmas! I'm sorry that this chapter is short, BUT there will be more updates!! Also, where Fear said the name of the book is real Latin. I had to use Google Translate to get the name. You can check for yourself if you don't believe me! Alright, see you in the next chapter!!))

Every King Needs a Queen (Zalgo X reader)Where stories live. Discover now