.2- ben bruce.

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I was huddled into the corner of the room, it was full of sweaty bodies dancing together, my tattooed arms were crossed and I started at the floor, suddenly out of no where a man came flying knocking me onto the floor, as I fell I hit my head on a shelf, I landed in shock and all that escaped my lips was a light whimper, "oh my god I'm so sorry" said the man his Yorkshire accent hitting me like a gust of cool wind, I glared and looked up, my eyes met a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes, my eyes softened "here let me" he smiled noticing my struggles to climb up, he pulled me of the floor and placed me onto the table, "wow" he whispered under his breath, "oh god" he mumbled his face close to mine the scent of cigarettes and beer blew into my face, he was dabbing at my hair "you had to dye it silver didn't you" he chuckled, I managed to escape a giggle from my lips, suddenly the room filled with loud screams "3, 2, 1" and then loud cheering, "happy new year" he smiled at me, the room went silent as everyone connected their lips to strangers they met a hour ago, "want to join in" the man smirked running his hand through his shoulder length hazel hair "I uh" I stuttered he chuckled and placed his lips against mine, fire works exploded inside me and fire works exploded outside, it was the perfect night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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