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I hurried along the busy side walk attempting to weave my way through the slow business people slowly making there way to work. I stumbled in through the door and hurried to the cloak room, I yanked out my headphones and threw my jacket into my locker, I smoothed out my new motionless in white t shirt and made my way behind the desk.

A hour later two young boys strolled in and began browsing the work on the walks "can I help?" I asked raising a eyebrow "no" one said rudely taking pictures of the art, "I'm sorry but you can't do that" I huffed "why" he asked stupidly "because it's copy right art" I said sarcastically "oh never mind" he said muttering "sir I will have to ask you to leave" I smiled sweetly glaring daggers at the back of his head "no" he said bluntly "yes you do" I glared at him placing my hand on my hip "no" he replied again "you heard the lady leave" came a voice from the door way, my head snapped round to look, a tall man covered in tattoos that looked surprisingly familiar, huge sunglasses covered his eyes and a his thick Seattle Accent stood out among the regular English accent I possessed. The guy rolled his eyes and the two of them strolled out slamming the glass door, it shook in its frame, I ran over holding it in its place I couldn't afford to replace that door again, I blew a strand of my crystal blue hair out of my face and smiled up at the man "hi can I help" I smiled he chuckled under his breath "um yea" he mumbled digging around in his coat pockets, I studied his face hard I definitely recognised him from somewhere, he pulled out a crumpled piece of paper with a photo of a drawing, "oh" I said smiling at the page "you got that of my Instagram?" I asked smiling "yea and I wondered if you could do it for me" he smiled, I smiled back people rarely wanted my original art.

 The guy rolled his eyes and the two of them strolled out slamming the glass door, it shook in its frame, I ran over holding it in its place I couldn't afford to replace that door again, I blew a strand of my crystal blue hair out of my face and s...

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"Would you like to sit down here please sir" I smiled "please call me Chris" he laughed "ok" I smiled at him while placing the drawing under the underlay and tracing carefully over the top, I laid the underlay carefully over his back, I peeled it back its blue stain perfectly imprinted onto his skin. I sat and began my work carefully tracing over the blue carbon lines, the hum of the machine calming to the ear.

I wiped his tattoo down and dabbed at it with a towel "it's amazing I love it" he smiled pulling his top back over his tattooed body "thankyou" I said walking behind the till, he handed over the money and said goodbye, I headed into the back room to put my tip into my purse, suddenly I remembered where I knew that face from, "im Chris" I remembered him smiling and then it hit me, Chris, chris motionless lead singer of motionless in white, I charged out the back room but to my dismay he was gone, I sighed and placed my head on the desk how could I be so stupid his tattoos were in my portfolio, I glanced across the desk and on the corner sat one black scrap of paper, a ticket to the motionless in white concert tonight, I smiled out the door.

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