Chapter 34 - 3 magical words

Start from the beginning

"Don't mind me. I'm hot enough to use that jacket. Literally." 

You softly laughed at what he said and pulled his jacket closer to warm yourself up. "Gomawo."

"Anything for you." Kai said in between his gritted teeth. His body looked so stiff.

"Kai-ah...are you alright?" You worriedly asked. He vigorously shook his head and his hands sneaked inside his pocket. You narrowed your eyes on him, trying to figure out what was wrong. You just knew there is something he's not telling at the moment.

"Hey watch out!" Kai said snapping you out from your thoughts that were drifting you away not making you notice the cold steel post.

He immediately pulled you away. You gasped when you landed on his chest as his right arm was on your waist while the other free hand was on your back.

"You, ok?" Kai eyes were looking worried. You nodded your head and made a space between the both of you.

"Y-yeah, don't worry." You smiled sheepishly, scratching your head. 

"Don't worry? You nearly hit that post! Aish...let's hurry. I don't want you to be in any accident." Kai said as he dragged you with him, fastening your pace.

"Hey! Even I hit that post, I'll be ok!" You laughed when he gave you that are-you-kidding-me look. 

"'s my stop." You said as you rested your back on the wooden door. Kai nodded his head and bid his goodnight. He still looks stiff though. 'What's wrong with him?' 

"Oh, here's your jacket." You passed the jacket to him with a smile. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Kai said and smiled back. "You better get inside now. It's cold." He continued. You complied and you took a last glimpse of him before you close the door.

'He really looks cute every time he smiles'

Meanwhile, outside that cold night. Kai hurriedly put on his jacket and ran back to his car. "Man! That was so cold!" He said, shivering under the thick clothe.

"Well, I hope she didn't notice how stiff I am as an ice." Kai cuddled on the front seat. "Why is it so cold anyway?!"

You just finished your shower and you were about to sleep when you heard small scratches on your door. You smiled, knowing who it is.

"Hi Nas~ Feel like sleeping here tonight?" You greeted him as soon as you opened the door. He runningly came in and he was jumping here and there, letting his tail waggle non-stop.

"Oh boy, let's play next time ok? I need to sleep now and I think you need to have some too." You lifted him from the floor to your arms and tucked him in, in his small home-made bed just near to yours.

"Good night. Sleep well, ok?"

You smiled when he obediently closed his eyes. Your body fell on the smooth and soft surface of the bed. You turned off the lamp, which was the only thing that was lighting the room. 

You sighed and you were about to drift off to lala land when you suddenly remembered your assignment. You jumped off of your bed and you accidentally fell off on the cold wooden floor. 

"Aaw...pabo yah Tia." You said to yourself. You just forgot to turn the lamp on so you did turned it on. You then went to your study table and turned on the other lamp that's standing on the desk.

"How I wish we never had this assignment." You sleepily murmured. It was math and good thing you're good at it. So, you can definitely finish it no time. You were startled when your phone suddenly rang and vibrated at the same time. 


"Why did you call?" 

"Ouch, is that what I get after I called to check on you?"

You laughed at his statement. You were still focus on your homework though. "Sorry...and thank you for "checking up" on me."

"You're very most welcome." He said. "What are you doing anyway? And why you're still up?"

"Well, I'm currently doing my homework right now. And about the second question...I would answer the same thing." 


You tapped your head forehead with your pen as you analyze the other equation. "Hmm, what to do with you?" You muttered with your brows creased together.

"Huh? To do with me? You can kiss me if you want." Sehun cheekily answered. 

"H-huh?" You unconsciously blushed. Your muttering earlier was still able for him to understand. "Yah! I'm not talking to you!" There was a laughter followed that. Sehun must be enjoying a lot.

"Who are you talking to then?" Sehun said, chuckling.

"Myself. Wae? Have a problem with that?" You're now doing the last equation.

"Hmm...nah. I don't want any problems right now." You smirked and closed your book right away. "Good. Cause I don't want to have either."

"Ah, I like that." He said. You imagined him being lazy on his bed again. He must have gotten home from his schedule.

" you min---"

"I'm sorry what?" Sehun said cutting you off. You rolled your eyes, knowing what that was all about.

" you mind if I sleep now?" You rephrase emphasizing his nickname you have given. 

"That's more like it." He chuckled over the line. You yawned and rubbed your sleepy eyes awake. "Tired?"

"Yeah, but believe me or not I really want to have a talk to you---"

"It's ok Tia." He paused. "I understand and you still have class, right? I think I need some sleep too."

"Mm. Sleep well, ok?" You softly said. You dragged your feet up to your bed and lied down. "Night Sehunnie...I love you." You sleepily said as your eyes slowly wanted to close. 'And I mean it'

"Yeah, sleep tight Tia. Love you too." Sehun said. 'How I wish he meant it the way I do'

Beep beep beep

He just hanged up. You put your phone away on your night stand and switched off the lamp. You pulled the comforter up to your chin, just underneath your nose for you to comfortably breathe.

'I love you...'

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