"She is exquisite, isn't she ?", he asked Olyvar whose company was disregarded till now with the whores at end of the bed. The blonde boy who was gay couldn't deny her beauty and put his hands on her hips as he answered to his prince," Yes, my prince." Oberyn smacked his hand away from her, even the idea of any other man touching her made his blood boil. He didn't want anyone to touch her, not until he had her or afterwards for that matter, she was his and only his and he wouldn't share her, not her.                                                                                                                                                                                     "Don't touch what's mine", Oberyn snapped at him. Ronnika put her hands on his shoulder, trying to sooth his anger before he kills everyone in the room. She gained his attention from the fearful boy beside them by questioning," Who said I'm yours ?" Prince had his hands on her hips, holding her tightly, almost possessively to him,"I always get what I want. You're mine little wolf."

"In your dreams, my prince.", She got off him and looked at Olyvar with a blank expression,"Get out and take all the whores with you. Your service isn't needed for now." The girls hearing her scrambled away, out of the door while Olyvar was picking his clothes slowly. Ronnika was getting impatient with the spy," I said get out." Olyvar's eyes widened and left fastly, he had heard of her, she was excellent with her weapons and she could kill him with snap her fingers if Red Viper didn't before.

The doors closed with a soft thud as she turned to see Oberyn, who was filling his goblet with dornish wine. His back was turned to her as he filled the goblet, "You're mourning.", he simply stated with eyebrows raised as he took in her black dress. "I am, Joffrey wasn't most decent person but he was smart and he is my nephew after all.", she shrugged, taking a seat by Oberyn's side and facing him. "Tyrion didn't do it, I know that for sure. He hated that vicious kid but he wouldn't kill him, not his own nephew, his own family. Sansa, my dear cousin doesn't have the brains to scheme this, she is just a stupid girl with stupid little dreams who never learns as she is with Little finger at the moment. The only one who would do this ...", Ronnika trailed off. 

Oberyn nodded understanding, he knew Tyrion wouldn't do it and Sansa Stark was just a stupid girl like her cousin said, Tyrells wouldn't have done it because there was everything in their benefit, nor Greyjoys so who did it ? He looked at Ronnika, saw she was in deep thought, her eyebrows furrowing, her eyes narrowing and her hands running through her hair in frustration, looking beautiful as ever as he questioned, "Who'd have done it ?" Ronnika turned to him, wearing a serious look on her sweet face," Little Finger", she whispered.

She stood up pacing around the room," It makes perfect sense. He's marries Lysa of Vale, taking control of it and now Sansa which also means north is in his fold. He always has Cersei confused, she never knew who he was or what he wants so she doesn't know what he is likely to do. No one suspects a man with no motives, but I know better. I know what Baelish wants." Oberyn edged closer to the end of the bed," And what does he want ?"                                                                                                             Ronnika looked directly in his eyes," Everything, he wants everything there is. He would watch the realm burn if he could be the king of ashes. I want him dead. I want Petyr Baelish dead. For better or worse." Oberyn saw the flick in her eyes, the passion burning in her eyes for her realm, for Winterfell. He saw the care and warmth for her realm and he knew she would find a way to dispose Little finger. He knew little finger, sickly little man who became the powerful man he is today. He wasn't present at the Joffrey's wedding, Sansa was his true love's daughter and Lysa her sister which makes him perfect criminal. He shook his head, Little finger has been playing game too long and someone had to defeat him and he looked right at the winner. She is something else, he thought, something mine.

"I'll take care of little finger some other time but Tyrion, what are we going to do about him ?", Ronnika said as she lit another candle. Oberyn was surprised when he heard "we", but didn't let any emotion show on his face. He grabbed his shirt, putting it on,"There is going to be trail for his accusation, and I'm one of the judges, who knew. If the murder hadn't pinned on your cousin Tyrion it'd be Tyrion judging my case because who would know more about the poisons than red viper himself."                                                                                                                                                                                       Ronnika never thought about it till now, and she hated Tyrion being the one rooting in jail but she was bit relived that it wasn't Oberyn, "I'm glad you aren't."

"When's the trail ?", she questioned as she neared him, putting her hands on his chest, feeling his smooth olive colored skin as his heartbeat increased a beat. "Tomorrow", he stated looking down at her, his hands sneaked around her waist pulling her towards his body, flushed to it. She nodded and stood on her tip toes as she pressed her lips softly on his and whispered, "I'll see you tomorrow."

She walked into her gallery, resting her hands on railing, looking down at gardens. To her surprise to find Cersei talking with Oberyn, she was shocked that Oberyn didn't kill her, maybe someday. She looked at them as they disappeared further into the gardens, invisible to her. She thought about him, he was all she thought about now a days. He was capricious, devilishly handsome, his seductive accent could lure virgin to her demise, a foreigner from a foreign land, he was a walking sin in her eyes. He was blood thirsty, a vengeful killer, yet a deadly beauty. She found herself enjoying his presence, his humor, sarcastic comments, careless imperious attitude, his soft caresses of his lips on hers, his tight grip on her, the warmth he radiated from him, everything about him was endearing to her. He was her drug, a drug she was highly addicted to in a short time.

Oberyn threw himself in his bed, for the first time a while it was empty and he didn't want anyone but chocolate eyed beauty on that side of his bed. He thought about Cersei's conversation with him, he didn't like his nephew marrying a Lannister but he couldn't do anything about it. He thought how lucky he was not to marry Cersei, like his mother wanted. He thought about his little wolf, the name he had given to her, she was no longer the lone wolf because she had him by his side.  He thought about how black complimented her fair soft skin, her silky hair, defiant nature, bit of recklessness yet smart, determined, her delicious curves, how her body fitted his perfectly. He was confused with himself about feelings related to her. He wanted her, he had made it clear, but to what end ? The thought of her with another man alone caused him to be angry and violent, he would have her, one way or another. He would kill anyone who stood between him and her. She was Red Viper's and anyone standing between them would face his wrath.

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