Chapter 45: La Descarada

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"Hola bella." I say to Camila as I give her a big warm hug.

"Hola," she says back smiling. "Hueles muy rico."

"G-Gracias." I smile at her. I'm lowkey blushing because she said I smelled good.

"Sorry, no quise sonarme rara solo es la verdad." I say.

"No te preocupes," I tell her. "Y te acuerdas que quedamos que no te ibas a disculpar cada cinco minutos." I remind her. I hate how she always apologizes because that's how Zabdiel makes her feel, like if she needs to apologize for everything.

"Si, si me acuerdo." She says and we both sit down on the white sofa. "¿Te puedo pedir perdón por una cosa?"

"¿A ver qué es?"

"Perdón otra vez por no contestar tu llamada." She apologizes.

"Está bien."

"¿Te puedo preguntar por qué me hablaste?"

"Solo me sentía un poco mal y pues tú me ayudas en sentirme bien so por eso te hable. Perdón si te moleste." I explain myself. It's ironic how the only girl that can break my heart can also make me feel better.

"No me gusta que te sientas mal." she pouts. "¿Podemos hablar ahorita?" She suggests.

"¿Te acuerdas que el martes hable de mi abuela contigo?" I try to refresh her memory and she nods.

"La empece a extrañar mucho más de lo normal y pues me puse triste." I say.

"¿Lloraste verdad?" She knows me so well.

"Me conoces tan bien, Camila." I admit.

"Ay mi Erick." Camila embraces me in her arms causing my heartbeat to quicken. The way she's running her hands through my hair makes me want to stay like this forever.

This special moment between Camila and I doesn't last when her phone gets a text message. The way her facial expressions are changing gives it away that it's Zabdiel that messaged her.

Out of habit, I begin to bite my nails. I was opening up to Camila like I do and then the moment was ruined.

"Ay viene Zabdiel." she tells me. What a surprise. "¿Está bien eso contigo?"

I know that if I stay when Zabdiel comes, I'll be like the third wheel. Also I don't want to feel more pain.

"Yo ya me iba." I let her know.

"No quédate."

"Tengo unas cosas que hacer." I lie. It's hard to say no to her but I have to. I stand up and pat her shoulder before leaving.

I walk into one of the rooms where all of the boys and I rehearse in, most of the guys are still there.

"Por fin apareces." Joel comments.

"Es que me perdí en un bosque." I say sarcastically.

"I don't think there's forests in Miami." Joel clearly didn't understand my sarcasm.

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