Chapter 2

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Winston kept telling me how amazing it was on the road, traveling and meeting new people. I told him about myself too, I told him about Rebecca and Hazel, how I moved to London 5 months ago. He laughed at every stupid joke I made and so did I when he made one. "How is back in California?" He asked, we walked around some stands who sold band merch. "Well, it's sunny, really hot which makes it almost impossible to go outside sometimes, that's one of the reasons why I left, the windy and cold weather here is amazing." I replied, he laughed to what I said. "What, is the cold weather not good enough for you?" I said playfully bumping into him. I suddenly saw Hazel and Rebecca at one of the stands where they sold band merch. Hazel turned around and saw me and Winston. "Oh hey. . oh my god, yo-you're Winston Marshall! From Mumford & Sons!" She almost screamed. She ran into his arms and hugged him. He laughed and patted her back. "Uh, you must be Hazel." He said awkwardly, breaking away from her.

"You-You know my name!' She sputtered out, Rebecca holding her back so she couldn't run and tackle him. "Yeah, only because your friend Melanie here told me about how much you like me and the others." He said smiled. I thought about how calm and cool he was, like this happened a lot or something. "Hey, could I steal Melanie for like another hour?" He asked pointing at me. I blushed once again and Rebecca saw and grinned. "Yeah, totally, I'll just take Hazel before she goes crazy again." She said smiling and almost dragged Hazel away from us. "Oh my god I am so sorry about that, like I said she's completely in love with you guys." I apologized, I started to blush as we stopped at a corner. "It's fine, we sort of get that a lot." He replied he looked up at me and smiled. "Winston!" Someone yelled from behind us. We both turned around to see the guy I saw upstage with him earlier. "There you are mate, me and Ted were looking for you!" He said. Someone who I guessed was Ted appeared from behind. 

"Oh sorry, I was just wandering around." Winston said looking at both of them. "Wandering with. . " Ted said looking towards me. "Oh uh this is Melanie, we met like an hour ago." He awkwardly laughed. They both laughed along and one of them stuck out their hand. "I'm Marcus, and this is Ted." Said who I just learned was Marcus. "Nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out and awkwardly shook his hand. "Well, I should get going, it was nice meeting you all." I said, I clutched my Arizona Iced Tea that was already warm. "Oh hey, one more thing!" Winston said he dug his hand into his left jean pocket and got out a ripped up piece of paper. "Pen?" He asked Ted, he obediently handed Winston a worn out a pen from his coat. He quickly wrote something down, folded it up, and gave it to me, before I could have gotten the chance to read what was it, Marcus said "We should probably get going Winston, the buses aren't going to be here forever." They waved goodbye and left.

In my head I was very confused, they were gone just like that. I turned around and saw people already packing up to leave. I sighed heavily, I mean, the guy I talked to for like two hours already left, already headed to a different state by now. I walked towards the entrance and saw Rebecca and Hazel on their phones, they looked up from their glowing screens and smiled to me. "How did it go with Winston?" Rebecca asked. "I don't even know to be honest." I laughed and we headed to the car. "So what's that piece of paper?" Hazel asked from the backseat. I looked over my shoulder and handed it to her. "I have no idea, I didn't check." She opened it up and studied it, I saw her eyes grow big in the rearview mirror. "What?" I asked turning back again. "Holy shit you fucking got Winston Marshall's phone number!" She exclaimed, almost throwing herself towards the front seat. 

"What?!" I said once more, grabbing the ripped up paper from her hands and looked at it. I couldn't believe it, I only talked to this guy for like two hours! "Are you going to call him?" Rebecca asked, glancing once away from the road to look at the paper. "I don't know, I barely know anything about this guy." I said crumpling up the paper and stuffing it into my jeans pocket. "But, you know if you called him, and you guys actually got in a relationship how would it work?" She asked. "Whoa whoa whoa, I only met this guy once, who said I wanted to be in a relationship with him?" I  looked over to her and she sighed. In my mind, he was a great guy, he was nice, funny, cute, but I barely even knew him. "So what now? Never talk to him again?" Hazel asked looking out the window. "I mean, no, I might text him, but it's just- I don't know." I said. I sighed and looked out the window as well. 

(AU: Hi! Sorry if you think this chapter is a bit short, it would mean a lot if you told me what you thought about this story so far!)

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