Carry On: A Winston Marshall Fan Fic.

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"Are you ready yet Melanie?" My friend Rebecca yelled from the baathroom. "Almost!" I yelled back I almost fell over as I quickly put on my white Keds and almost tripped out my bedroom. Me, my friend Rebecca, and my other friend Hazel were going to go to some music festivel in London. Hazel and Rebecca were finishing up their make up as I grabbed our tickets and ran to get everything ready and try not to be late to this thing. "Alright we're done!" Hazel yelled as her and Rebecca came into the living room. "Finally? I swear if we're late to this one. . " Before I could finish my sentence Hazel rolled her eyes and said "For anything we'll be early." she rushed everyone out the front door and we all packed inside the car. I started it up and we pulled out of the driveway and drove to the festivel.


Everyone was sweaty and carrying around instruments of all sizes. Mostly everyone was already drunk and making their way to the main stage to catch the first performance of the day. All three of us got these uncomfortable paper wristbands that said "Gentlemen Of The Road" on them. "Holy shit there's more people than I expected." Rebecca said looking around and breathing in the aroma of food from stands everywhere. "THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO START, ENJOY YOUR TIME!" Someone over an intercom said everyone around us rushed to the main stage and we all ran too. We somehow manged to push through hundreds of people to the front.

I could smell booze and cigerattes from backstage and me and other people around me were coughing. After someone on stage announced all the talents that were going to perform before our very eyes. "Now please welcome to the main stage, HAIM!" He announced and left stage. Me and my friends started to scream and chant Haim along with others in the crowd. Haim being one of the only performances we came to see. They arrived on stage and waved to everyone in the crowd. They then started to sing, me, Rebecca, and Hazel singing along to every song.

Then these two guys, one with brown messy brown hair with a thick beard and reeked of men's cologne and cigarettes and another one with black hair, some facial hair and messy and tattered clothing. The Haim sisters cheered and grinned at the two men and they started to bang on some drums the crowd seemed to love it. "Let's all thank Marcus Mumford and Winston Marshall for joining us!" Everyone clapped, Hazel screamed "I love you Marcus!" She clapped louder and jumped up and down. They got off stage and some other bands performed. They took a break so I decided to get something to drink. 

I passed by some people who were singing drunk and were dancing around and finally made it to a stand who sold drinks. I bought an Arizona iced tea and said thank you as I recieved my change. I turned around and bumped into some random guy. "Well shit, I'm sorry." The guy said. He sounded familar. I looked up and saw his face. "Oh, hey no problem." I said blushing. "Hey weren't you with that girl who screamed 'I love Marcus' or something?" He asked. I kept blushing like a complete idiot. "Yeah, she really likes him I'm guessing." I laughed awkwardly and took a sip of the tea. "Well tell her he's taken." He laughed at his own joke and looked down. I laughed too and started to walk away from him. Some girls stopped him in his tracks and asked for a picture.

I kept walking when suddenly I heard someone say behind me, "What's your name?" It was the guy I was just talking to. I turned around and walked over, sticking out my hand. "I'm Melanie." I said awkwardly. "And I'm Winston." He said, grinning and shaking my hand.

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