Next thing I know I clash my lips against his. He stiffens and I pull apart shocked at what I just did. His eyes are wide and his cheeks are flushed. I sit up quickly and let out a frustrated sigh. I just kissed Tristan! Shit. I just cheated on Brad!

"Trista-" I get cut off by him saying "No, I'm sorry I shouldn't have led you on..." He said sitting up looking into my eyes. I look back and sigh. "I'm sorry..." I say and he wraps his hands around my shoulder. "Its okay, and if it helps...I'm gay." He says and My eyes go wide. "What?!" I say very shocked!

I wasn't expecting that at all! he laughed and said "Yeah, I found out a couple weeks ago when I realized that I had feelings for James.." He says and My heart stops. "Jesus. Tristan!" I say Jumping up off the bed passing back and forth. 

He lets out a sigh and lays down. "I know, Alot to take in but James isn't gay, and I don't know what to do! Ive been going crazy, Zoey!" He says His voice cracking a little. I sigh and walk over and lay down our heads touching.

"Ohh Tristan, You don't know for sure if hes gay or not." I say playing with his blond locks. He rolls his eyes and puffs. "Yes, I do." He says looking up at me with glassy eyes. My heart breaks at the sight and He shudders. I cuddle him into me and I whisper in his ear. 

"I'm here for you Tris, Always remember that okay?" I whisper into his ear and he nods holding me tighter. 


I wake up and cant move for some reason. I feel wait against me and I open my eyes slightly, to see Blond hair nestled into my shoulder, and I remember last night. We must have fallen asleep. I sigh and try to wiggle out of Tristan's embrace but fail. Tristan tightens his grip around me and moans.

"Tristan, Its time to get up, I have to go to work..." I whisper into his ear. He opens his eyes and looks up at me with a frown. I Smile at him and he lets go of me. "Fine..." He says and I slide out of bed shuffling to my bath room.

"Zoey! You know your late for wor-" I here Channel say but stop. I curiously open the door and peek my head out to See Channel looking at Tristan coddled up in my bed, with her mouth dropped open. I giggle and roll my eyes. "Get out, nothing happened!" I say throwing a pillow at her that was laying on the floor.

"Mhmm, well your late for work hurry up Brads gonna be here any minute." Channel says and walks out the door. "Shit!" I say and Tristan sits up in the bed with wide eyes. "You have to leave now!" I say throwing his jacket to him and he catches it. He jumps up from the bed hopping on one foot trying to put his boot on. "Don't worry...Zoey...He might not get that mad..We didn't do anything, well..." He says and I groan.

"Please don't tell him we kissed!" I say leaning against the wall looking at Tristan with pleading eyes. "Of course I won't! But I have an Idea..." He says with a creepy smile. I sigh and roll my eyes. "What tris?" I ask walking back into the bathroom.

"Remember you said you would always be here for me?" He says leaning against the door frame. "Yeah..?" I say putting my toothbrush in my mouth. "Well...flirt with me in front of James, yah know to see if he gets jealous?" asks looking down at his feet. I wash the tooth past out my mouth and spit. "No, I would, but What about Brad?" I ask turning my curler on. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

"When hes not looking! Itll be perfect, Come on zo! Please do this for me?" He pleads and I cant help but feel sorry for him. I sigh and Shake my head. "Fine, but! If Brad finds out and breaks up with me its all your fault!" I say finishing one side of my hair. 

*Ding Ding Dong* the door bell rang and me and Tristan jump. "Go! Go! Go!" I say pushing him out the back door. He turns to me before tacking off and says "Thanx, Zo." He says tacking me into his arms. I kiss his cheek and he leaves. 

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