why amethyst

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What'd up peri. Said Amethyst.
Hi. Answered Peridot.
What ya writing. Said Amethyst.
Something for steven. Said Peridot.
Can i see. Said Amethyst.
Ok, but don't tell Steven. Said Peridot.
Okie dokie. Said Amethyst.
Amethyst gasps.
You have a crush on Steven! Said Amethyst.
Yes you clo- I mean Amethyst. Said Peridot.
Please don't tell him. Said Peridot blushing.
Okie dokie. Answered Amethyst.
Cross your heart. Said Peridot.
Yep. Said Amethyst.
Amethyst laughs while leaving.
I hope she doesn't tell him. She murmured angryly.
10 minutes later.
Hey Steven I have to tell you something. Said Amethyst.
What's up. Said Steven.
Peridot has a crush on you. Said Amethyst.
Wha! Said Steven blushing and has stars in his eyes.
How do you know that. Said Steven wanting to know.
Well..... just a hunch. Amethyst said fake smiling.
Hey p. Said Amethyst.
Yes. Said Pearl.
Peridot has a crush on Steven. Said Amethyst laughing.
WHAT!!! not this again I'm going to make her sorry. Said Pearl angry.
Peridot. Said Pearl.
Yes... Said Peridot.
Do you like like Steven. Questioned Pearl.
WHAT how do you know. She said yelling.
Amethyst. She said.
UGH. Groaned Peridot having tears in her eyes.
Uh peridot are you ok. Said Pearl.
NO. Answered Peridot.
Peridot runs outside with tears in her eyes.
What did you do Pearl. Said Steven.
Nothing I swear. Answered Pearl.
Steven goes after peridot.
What's wrong peridot. Said Steven.
You should know,I have feelings to you know.
So you have a crush on me so what. Said Steven.
I don't wanna show my feelings to the other gems. Said Peridot.
It's ok Peridot everyone has feelings. Said Steven hugging her.
Peridot hugs him back.
I don't know why Amethyst would do this though. Said Peridot.
Well Sometimes she does these stuff. Said Steven.
That's the end of this chapter if you don't like it don't vote.
By the way I really like stevidot so much.BYE

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