If I only knew

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This was inspired by "shattered dreams"

If I only knew,
That today tears would be she'd for you,
That a funeral had to be paid,
That flowers were placed in the worse way,
That you would wear makeup so beautiful and sweat,
That today was a day, you'll be in side a casket,
Place gentle and neat,
In the ground you lay,
I'm sorry it and to be this way,
There's nothing I can do,

But if only I knew,
I would change back time,
I wouldn't have drank those shots in a line,
I would've stayed home,
With my mom and traveled everywhere especially Rome,
But look at me I'm in for manslaughter,
I heard with your life, you were so sure,
About everything you wanted to do,

If I only knew,
Maybe both of our dreams, would've came true,
I met your mother, sisters, and brothers,
I saw them cry, them and many others
I am guilty and ashamed,
For all the pain I caused
And for breaking the laws,
1.) Driving while drunk,
2.) Taking an innocent life,

If I only knew,
Sis, that it was you

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