Chapter 68 Part 1

Start from the beginning

"As you can see, clearly Miss. Jauregui's post behavior is due traced to the incident and explain a lot about her character. The papers right in front of you affirm that."

"Now, with that said, I suppose Mr. Riggleman can cross testify the witness."

"Very well then." Cara's lawyer said before he cleared his throat.

A satisfied smirks spread across Cara's face.

"So, these papers, who were they signed by?"

"Her doctor."

"How long has she been seeing this doctor?"

"A little over a month. Therefore there is no bias and ill judgment here sir."

"I wasn't assuming-"

"I know how you people work, I've seen enough law and order in my time." Clara said.

"Well, could you please explain what Lauren was like after she met Camila Cabello?"

"Camila brings out the best in her."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Lauren's never been happier than she's been with this girl in her entire life. Camila has been there for her through everything and has even helped her overcome her fears and face the incident. I don't know where we'd be without her."

The lawyer seemed upset because he didn't gather the dirt he was hoping for. Lauren's mother was ahead of the game and saw through his tricks. So there was no way he had a chance with her.

"Very well. That's all I needed to ask."

Carmen smirked in success as Clara made her way down from the stand.

"However, now I would like to call Lauren's therapist up to the stand." Mr. Rigglmen said.

He made his way up there and crossed his arms.

"So doctor, could you accurately explain the diagnosis you gave to your patient Lauren Jauregui?"

"She suffered from trauma which then lead to depression and bi polar behavior."


"Yes. She has gotten much better since her first appointment."

"Don't you think that she got better too quickly?"

"No. Lauren had been going through this for years and through this last year, her girlfriend had been helping her through her issues and it has been an on going process for a while now. Therefore, her recovery does not surprise me."

"Not at all?"

"No, love can do amazing things."

"Love?" He almost laughed, "How so?"

"Love is the only thing that can reach places words or pills could never touch."


Lauren smiled at his words before he turned to look back at her girlfriend. Camila smiled back at her.

"That doesn't sound scientifically possible." Cara's lawyer couldn't help but comment.

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