"Sit down guys," Nathan said as he walked in with me trailing behind, "I think I've got something."

"Good because we haven't found anything and this is the second time we've looked in this room." Jay huffed,

I sat down awkwardly in a patchwork arm chair, for some reason I was scared of what I was about to find out.

Nathan sat down in another chair opposite me and the other three sat down together on the single sofa. Nathan brought something out and rested it on his knees. It was a small, black velvet book.

"A dairy." He said with a serious tone to his voice, "Anna's mother's most recent diary," he added.

"Of course!" I said jumping up, "I knew her mother kept diaries, that's how Anna found out about - about well, y'know..." I trailed off, making my way over to Nathan.

"This is her most recent entry," he said, and began to read out loud as I looked over his shoulder and the tiny, neat handwriting,

"Anna knows. She knows what Stewart and I have done. It was me who found out last night when I went to read over my diaries. Anna was acting so strange. I had a gut-wrenching feeling then. I knew that she knew. I reached for the diary for when we took her. For starters, it was out of place, and then to add to my suspicions which were now becoming clearer, a specific page was ripped out, the page when for when she was taken. Now when she comes home from wherever she's been this afternoon, we're going to move away with her. We're going to go and hide her away at our old house Appleton House, its big and deserted and isolated. Because Anna can't go out now, else she'll blab to the police and Stewart and I will have criminal records. And that can't happen. It can't. I need to get ready for going and - oh god that sounds like Anna back now, I've got to go."

The entry stopped there. And I let out a deep, heavy breath, I hadn't realised I'd been holding that in,

"Well, now I  guess we know where she is now." Tom said into the silence.

"Someone write the house name down," Jay suggested, and I grabbed a pen from a coffee table and wrote "Appleton House" clearly on my hand.

"I'll go put this back," Nathan said, "there's always the possibility that the mother will come back for this, because it looks and sounds like they left in a big hurry. We can't take the chance of Anna's parents knowing that someone else knows what's happened. We don't know how dangerous these people are." He said grimly.

"Good idea," Max said as Nathan headed out the room.

*Anna's POV**

I couldn't see anything. All I could do was feel, feel the scratchy material over my face irritating my skin and making me want to sneeze. And all I could do was hear, hear the muffled voices of Stewart and Katie coming from the front of the car.

The fear had settled in long ago, now all I felt was dread, a deep, sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Wait, stop." I heard Katie say, she sounded worried all of a sudden.

"What is it now?" Stewart snapped back, I could tell he was eager to get to wherever we were going.

"I've left my diary at the house."

"We'll buy a new one later."

"No listen. If Emily or someone suddenly realises that Anna is missing, who's saying they won't go snooping round our house, we left the door unlocked as well, they could find my diary and decide to come after us. I wrote where we were going down in there."

"You idiot!" Stewart hissed, "We can't turn back now."

"Let me out here and I'll get a taxi or bus back and then I'll meet you there."


I heard the door open and slam close, and threw my head back against the seat in exasperation. Now there was no chance of anyone ever coming to save me. What was I supposed to do?

*Nathan's POV*

I walked back into Anna's parent's bedroom and placed the diary back on the right side of the bed, I even left it open at the page it was left at when I found it. I didn't want to take any chances at all. I don't know, I just had a really funny feeling about something.

I heard a pair of footsteps tread along the hallway beneath me, was that Siva coming up to snoop around Anna's bedroom again? They were starting to come up the stairs towards me. But they sounded different, lighter, more like a - a woman's footsteps.

My eyes widened in shock as realisation dawned on me, my phone buzzed frantically in my pocket and I fished it out of my pocket.

One message from Siva:


"Shit!" I muttered under my breath to myself, we'd stayed here too long, there was nowhere for me to go, the footsteps were still on the stairs, climbing wearily, but I couldn't run into another room, the parent's bedroom was at the end of the hallway at the top of the stairs and if I went out now I'd be caught. But if I stayed in here I'd also be caught. Thoughts buzzing through my mind frantically, I dashed over to the window. I opened the window as quietly as I could and looked down. It was now dark outside, I couldn't see how far down the ground was. It didn't seem that big. This was quite a small house.

I didn't have a choice anyway. I took a deep breath, the footsteps were heading along the hallway now, mustering all my courage, I glanced back one more time into the room, then jumped.

A/N: heya! I still don't have much internet back, but I'm anxious for you guys to read this chapter and let you know I haven't abandoned this story! Its a longer more thrilling chapter to please you (hopefully) and say sorry for not updating so frequently. Anyway, let me know what you think, tell other people about this story if you think they'll like it and don't forget to vote (if you think its worthy of a vote though..hahah) :P x

Lost Until I Found You (Siva Kaneswaran fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara