Chapter Twelve

Comincia dall'inizio

"Wow." I whispered.

Michael led Kayla to the dance floor and Ava and Luke where about to go get a booth to get some food.

"Have fun tonight." Luke said and gave me a smile.

"Thank you." I said and gave him a quick hug.

Once they left I decided to go to the bar.

"Hello ma'am, what would you like?" The bartender asked and I tried to think of that one type of vodka I had at the party but I wasn't sure what flavor it was.

"Can you actually help me pick a drink? Im not sure what I want."

"Sure. What flavors are you looking for?"

"Something strong and sweet." I said and he laughed.

"Sounds like you have had cherry vodka before." He said and I nodded, if I had to place a taste on the vodka I had before it would be cherry. "Want me to add it in a cocktail?"


"Okay, I'll get you some." He said and disappeared behind the counter.

I realized he didn't ask for my ID. Maybe I looked older than nineteen. I just shrugged it off, he didn't ask for it and I wasn't going to complain about that.

"Here you go." He said and handed me a large, tall glass with a pink straw.

"Thanks." I said and took the glass. I took a sip and smiled. This was so much better than the straight vodka. It still had the same burn but it was sweeter.

I took my drink and walked past the booths.

"Renna come join us!" Kayla called. All of my friends where sitting in a booth, with one basket or fries and a basket of chips. 

I walked over to them and sat next to Kayla.

"I see you have already hit the bar." Michael said and everyone laughed, even me.

"I'm surprised you haven't yet." I said and everyone laughed more.

A waitress came back with a tray of about ten drinks and everyone but me got one. I would get one when I finished mine. We all talked and laughed, ordering more drinks and food. After a while I got up.

"Im going to go to the dance floor." I said and stumbled to the dance floor.

I started dancing to the nameless techno song and it was all a blur. The drinks where finally catching up to me, my motions where messy.

"Hey babe." A husky voice said behind me.

"Who are you?" I asked and giggled, he just smiled. "What is your name?"

"Its anything you want it to be." He said and got closer to me.

"No really." I said and tripped slightly, grabbing on his arm.

"Watch yourself." He said and I laughed more.

"Want to come to my place?'

"No, you come to mine. My dorm is only ten minutes away and my roommates are still here." I whispered and he nodded.

I clung onto his arm as he guided me out to a shiny silver car. I told him where the dorms where and he drove across the rode, smooth. He parked and I stumbled out the car. The ride wore off some of my drinking, I was drunk but not as drunk as I was before coming here.

"This way." I said and took off my heels and walked down the dorm hall with him. I put my key in the lock and it was halfway turned before the guy wrapped his arms around my waist and started sucking on my neck.

"Stop." I giggled and moved my shoulders up to block his face, instead he nibbled on my earlobe.

 I  finished unlocking the door and it slid open. All the sudden he picked me up and walked inside my door. Once he closed the door he put his lips on mine and I could taste the whiskey. I returned the kiss, it didn't have fire or passion but it was enough.

"Take off some fabric babe." He said huskily and I giggled.

"Get the fuck away from her." I heard a low growl from the other side of the room.

I looked up and saw Ashton standing, his eyes dark and his hands clenched into fists, his knuckles white.

"Babe who is this?" The guy from the club asked and turned to me.

"Babe?" Ashton asked, his voice even angrier.

"Yeah. You heard me. Babe." He said and smirked at Ashton.

The next thing I knew it Ashton's fist was connected to the man's face. He rapidly punched him until I could finally connect what was happening.

"Ashton stop!" I yelled and ran over to Ashton, who was towered over the man, on the floor covering his face.

"Look at me Ashton, please." I said and his dark hazel eyes looked up into me. I was sure my eyes had a pleading gaze. His fist finally slowed and he let his hand drop.

He got up and then looked at the man.


The man slowly got up and staggered out the dorm. 

"What are you doing here?" I turned to Ashton.

"I could say the same about you and that asshole."

I just ignored him and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out my soft striped pj pant sand a T-shirt. I changed right in front of Ashton, I was simply too tired to give a shit. I climbed into my bed and pulled the covers up to my neck. Ashton climbed into the bunk on the top.

"Why did you beat him up?" I mumbled, my body in sleep mode but my mouth and mind needed some answers.

"Because he called you babe."


"I don't want anyone but me calling you that." He said, his voice soft.

"Why? You don't want me." I said, almost fully asleep.

"I do. I really do."


Thanks for reading!

Ok so I wont post for the next four days because I have cheer camp Mon-Wed and then my cousin is coming over Thurs so I will write when I can but I cant promise an upload until Friday





Play Me Like The Drums {Ashton Irwin/5SOS Fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora