Chapter 14

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I risk a glance over to my friends and saw that Thalia already had an arrow notched in her bow ready to fire, I quickly uncapped Riptide seeing Annabeth and Jason do the same. "No more games Bradshaw, bring back Grover and everyone else you've imprisoned and no one gets hurt" was my brilliant answer but hey he caught me off guard. "How about I don't do what you say and I get to throw you and your friends into federal prison"
"Well I'm surprised you even have room in your 'federal prison' considering you lock up anyone that you can't control"
I was just about done. No in fact I was done. I am done. This was all going to end. This is war!
"Haha that's cute. That's real cute, you think you can beat me" General Bradshaw chidded. "You puny demigods think you can beat the US army. The United States of America army, you know that one. The one that won 2 world wars and just about a bijilion others. And you think you can beat us. Wow."
"Well let's just see how strong you really are" Annabeth said from behind me. The next few minutes were a blur of bullets, swords and arrows. We thought we were winning, or at least I thought, the army was backing its way out of my cabin. But you know that old saying 'don't bring a knife to a gun fight?' Apparently it also applies literally and its not just a metaphor, it was one lucky shot. General Bradshaw's foot slipped off the step leading into my cabin and his finger pulled the trigger. I was too busy fighting with one of his men to notice that it was coming right for me, "PERCY!" Thalia yelled. I whipped my head to see a blonde curly mess tackle me to the ground. Annabeth. She cried out in pain, red was seeping threw her shirt. She took the bullet for me "BRADSHAW YOU WILL PAY!" I screamed loud enough for the whole camp to hear. "Percy I got him you take care of your girlfriend!" Jason yelled pointing to Annabeth before rushing out the door. I sank to my knees, "Annabeth ca-can you hear me?" I asked.
"Ye-yeah I'm f-fine" she shakily replied.
"Your losing a lot of blood, I need something uh here" I ripped the blanket my bed and wrapped it tightly around her torso, where the blood was coming from.
"You're bleeding" she says touching my face
"I'm bleeding? What about you! You took a bullet for me so I think you out did me here" Annabeth looks at me for a long time. Studying my face before speaking.
"Hey, hey...I told you I'm fine now go tell Will to come here and then go"
"What? I'm not leaving you"
"Yes you are now go and do what you do best...go brake the rules"
I had to smile at that. "Okay fine, I'll go" I leaned down and kissed her cold white lips. "Stay alive while I'm gone okay?"
"Only if you promise to come back"

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